Søgning » Unionens kerne: EU-kommissionen og reguleringen af Europa » Survey_of_EU_Stakeholders_Rigsarkivet

Unionens kerne: EU-kommissionen og reguleringen af Europa

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The purpose of the survey is to investigate the EU Commission’s consultation system. By this expression we refer to the Commission’s use of instruments such as open online consultations, stakeholder conferences, and expert groups. The survey was sent out to organizations registered in the EU’s Transparency Register.

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Q134 Do you consent to the use of your responses?
A1 Can you please confirm that XXX is the name of your organization?
A1_2_TEXT If no: Please write the name of your organization
A2 Our organization is best characterized as a...
A3 How many EU consultations has your org participated in within the last 12 months
B3_1 Our org is represented in EU level fora such as Commission expert groups
B3_2 Our org is consulted on mandates for fora such as Commission expert groups
B3_3 Our org is consulted on members of fx Commission expert groups
B3_4 Our organization is invited to meetings with Commission officials
B3_5 Our organization is informally approached by Commission officials
B3_6 Our organization is invited to present at stakeholder conferences
B4_1 Do you have experience with open online consultations?
B4_2 Do you have experience with stakeholder conferences?
B4_3 Do you have experience with policy fora such as commission expert groups?
B5_1 Open online consultations demonstrates that we advocate our members' concerns
B5_2 Open online consultations is a chance to provide technical input to Commission
B5_3 Open online consultations is a chance to attract media attention to our views
B5_4 Open online consultations is a chance to point to consequences for the public
B5_5 Open online consultations allow for more openness in the EU policy process
B5_6 Open online consultations are mainly symbolic
B5_7 Open online consultations lead to changes in proposed Commission initiatives
B5_8 Open online consultations benefit some interests at the expense of others
B5_9 Open online consultations are used to bolster the Commission's public image
B6_1 Stakeholder conferences demonstrate that we advocate our members' concerns
B6_2 Stakeholder conferences is a chance to provide technical input to the Commission
B6_3 Stakeholder conferences is a chance to attract media attention to our views
B6_4 Stakeholder conferences is a chance to point to consequences for the public
B6_5 Stakeholder conferences allow for more openness in the EU policy process
B6_6 Stakeholder conferences are mainly symbolic
B6_7 Stakeholder conferences lead to changes in proposed Commission initiatives
B6_8 Stakeholder conferences benefit some interests at the expense of others
B6_9 Stakeholder conferences are used to bolster the Commission's public image
B7_1 Policy fora demonstrate that we advocate our members' concerns
B7_2 Policy fora are a chance to provide technical input to the Commission
B7_3 Policy fora is a chance to attract media attention to our views
B7_4 Policy fora is a chance to point to consequences for the public
B7_5 Policy fora allow for more openness in the EU policy process
B7_6 The use of policy fora is mainly symbolic
B7_7 The use of policy fora leads to changes in proposed Commission initiatives
B7_8 The use of policy fora benefits some interests at the expense of others
B7_9 The Commission mainly uses policy fora to bolster its public image
Q71_1 Consultation ensures that relevant interests can make their voice heard
Q71_2 Consultation of stakeholders undermines the legitimacy of the EU
Q71_3 Consultation of stakeholders allows for more openness in the EU policy
Q71_4 The Commission does not regularly consult stakeholders
Q106 How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
Q107_1 Consultation ensures that relevant interests can make their voice heard
Q107_2 Consultation of stakeholders undermines the legitimacy of the EU
Q107_3 Consultation of stakeholders allows for more openness in the EU policy
Q107_4 The Commission does not regularly consult stakeholders
Q107_5 You need to participate in open online consultations to meet with the Commission
Q108 How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
Q109_1 Consultation ensures that relevant interests can make their voice heard
Q109_2 Consultation of stakeholders undermines the legitimacy of the EU
Q109_3 Consultation of stakeholders allows for more openness in the EU policy
Q109_4 The Commission does not regularly consult stakeholders
Q109_5 The Commission uses consultation to improve negotiations with the Council and EP
Gruppe_C How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
var1 Please select the DG that your organization interacts most closely with
var2 If relevant, please select a second DG that your organization interacts with
var3 Overall, the Commission has a good reputation
var4 Overall, [DG1] has a good reputation
var5 Overall, [DG2] a good reputation
var6 The Commission is a well-run organization
var7 [DG1] is a well-run organization
var8 [DG2] is a well-run organization
var9 The Commission maintains high ethical standards
var10 [DG1] maintains high ethical standards
var11 [DG2] maintains high ethical standards
var12 The Commission treats people fairly
var13 [DG1] treats people fairly
var14 [DG2] treats people fairly
var15 The Commission bases its decisions on evidence
var16 [DG1] bases its decisions on evidence
var17 [DG2] bases its decisions on evidence
var18 I have a favorable opinion about the Commission
var19 I have a favorable opinion about [DG1]
var20 I have a favorable opinion about [DG2]
var21 The Commission is a high-performing organization
var22 [DG1] is a high-performing agency
var23 [DG2] is a high-performing agency
var24 I believe what the Commission says
var25 I believe what [DG1] says
var26 I believe what [DG2] says
var27 The Commission is politically neutral
var28 [DG1] is politically neutral
var29 [DG2] is politically neutral
var30 The Commission has the skills to deal with complex situations
var31 [DG1] has the skills to deal with complex situations
var32 [DG2] has the skills to deal with complex situations
var33 The Commission is attentive to our views
var34 [DG1] is attentive to our views
var35 [DG2] is attentive to our views
var36 The Commission is more attentive to other stakeholders than us
var37 [DG1] is more attentive to other stakeholders than us
var38 [DG2] is more attentive to other stakeholders than us
var39 The Commission balances the views of different stakeholders
var40 [DG1] balances the views of different stakeholders
var41 [DG2] balances the views of different stakeholders
D1A_1 The Commission controls the interaction with interest groups
D1A_2 The Commission cannot control which outside interests gain access
D1A_3 The Commission normally involves balanced interests in its policy preparation
D1A_4 The Commission almost never consults external interests
D1A_5 The Commission makes a real effort to digest all the input to consultations
D1A_6 The Commission involves many interests, but only listens to business interests
Q110_1 The Commission controls the interaction with interest groups
Q110_2 The Commission cannot control which outside interests gain access
Q110_3 The Commission normally involves balanced interests in its policy preparation
Q110_4 The Commission almost never consults external interests
Q111 How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
Q112_1 The Commission controls the interaction with interest groups
Q112_2 The Commission cannot control which outside interests gain access
Q112_3 The Commission normally involves balanced interests in its policy preparation
Q112_4 The Commission almost never consults external interests
Q112_5 The Commission makes a real effort to digest all the input to consultations
Q57 How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
Q113_1 The Commission controls the interaction with interest groups
Q113_2 The Commission cannot control which outside interests gain access
Q113_3 The Commission normally involves balanced interests in its policy preparation
Q113_4 The Commission almost never consults external interests
Q113_5 The Commission involves many interests, but only listens to business interests
Q63 How many of the statements above do you agree or strongly agree with?
A5_1_1 How may individuals support your organization?
A5_1_2 How may corporation or firms support your organization?
A5_1_3 How may government entities support your organization?
A5_1_4 How may other organizations (NGOs, business groups) support your organization?
A7 What share of your budget comes from membership fees?
A8 What share of your budget comes from subsidies from the EU?
A10 How many employees (FTEs) in your organization are involved in EU work?
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