Smertekarakteristika ved gigtsygdom udfra spørgeskemaet painDETECT (2013-2014)
Pain and pain mechanisms in patients with inflammatory arthritis: A Danishnationwide cross-sectional DANBIO registry survey , DANBIO-PDQ studiet
Central pain mechanisms may be prominent insubsets of patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and otherspondyloarthritis (SpA). The painDETECTquestionnaire (PDQ) identifies neuropathic painfeatures, which may act as a proxy for centrallymediated pain.The objectives were to quantify and characterizepain phenotypes (non-neuropathic vs.neuropathic features) among Danish arthritispatients using the PDQ, and to assess theassociation with on-going inflammation. Methods:
The PDQ was included onto the DANBIO touchscreens at 22 departments of Rheumatology in Denmark for six months. Clinical data andpatient reported outcomes were obtained fromDANBIO. A PDQ-score >18 indicated neuropathicpain features, 13–18 unclear pain mechanismand <13 non-neuropathic pain.
Results:Pain data (visual analogue scale, VAS) wasavailable for 15,978 patients. 7,054 patientscompleted the PDQ (RA: 3,826, PsA: 1,180, SpA:1,093). 52% of all patients and 63% of PDQ-completers had VAS pain score ≥ 30 mm. The distribution of the PDQ classification-groups(<13/ 13-18/ >18) were; RA: 56%/24%/20%.PsA: 45%/ 27%/ 28%. SpA: 55% / 24%/ 21%.More patients with PsA had PDQ score >18 compared to RA and SpA (p<0.001). For PDQ >18 significantly higher scores were found for allpatient reported outcomes and disease activityscores. No clinical difference in CRP or swollenjoint count was found. Logistic regressionshowed increased odds for having VAS pain ≥39
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mm (the median) for a PDQ-score >18compared to <13 (OR = 10.4; 95%CI 8.6–12.5). Conclusions: More than 50% of the Danish arthritis patientsreported clinically significant pain. More than20% of the PDQ-completers had indication ofneuropathic pain features, which was related toa high pain-level. PDQ-score was associated withDAS28-CRP and VAS pain but not with indicatorsof peripheral inflammation (CRP and SJC). Thus,pain classification by PDQ may assist inmechanism-based pain treatment.
Data ligger i Excel ark med kliniske data fra 7054 gigtpatienter registreret i DANBIO samt deres svar på PDQ. De fleste patienter er registreret under en af diagnoserne, leddegigt,psoriasisgigt eller rygsøjlegigt. DANBIO er den danske nationale kvalitetssikringsdatabase indenfor gigtsygdomme.
Ecxel arket er opbygget med krypterede cpr numre angivet i rækker og kliniske variable udtrukket fra DANBIO samt de forskelligespørgsmål og totalscore fraspørgeskemaet, PDQ, i kolonner.
De mest centrale variable er spørgeskemaets,PDQ, samlede score samt desamlede sygdomsscore for de forskelligegigtssygdomme og patienternes samlede scorepå forskellige patient reported outcomes. Endelig mere objektive mål som hævede og ømme led samt inflammationsmarkøre som ex CRP.
- Rigsarkivets Afleveringsbestemmelse
- Formål og metode projekt PDQ FD.50395
- Oplysninger angående projektdeltageres cpr numre projekt PDQ FD.50395
- PainDetect Questionnaire
- Pain and pain mechanisms in patients within flammatory arthritis: A Danish nationwide cross-sectional DANBIO registry survey.
- Psychometric properties of the painDETECTquestionnaire in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriaticarthritis and spondyloarthritis: Rasch analysisand test-retest reliability
- Relationship Between Fatigue and Inflammation, Disease Duration, and Chronic Pain in Psoriatic Arthritis:An Observational DANBIO Registry Study
- 50395, ASTA Test Log
- 50395, ASTA Convert log
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Dækker perioden
Fra 01-12-2013 til 01-06-2014.