Søgning » Neonatal database » NeoPers


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Contains data registrated at birth

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Navn Indhold
ID0 NeoPers Combined primary key ID0
ID1 NeoPers Combined primary key ID1
Oprettelsesdato NeoPers registration creation date
Fodselsdato NeoPers Birthdate
Kommune NeoPers Birth district
Kon NeoPers Gender
GA_hele_uger NeoPers Gestation age weeks
GA_plus_dage NeoPers Gestation age day of week
Fodselsvaegt NeoPers Birthweight in Grams
Antal_fodte NeoPers Number of Births
Forlosning NeoPers Delivery method
Apgar_1_min NeoPers Apgar one minut
Apgar_5_min NeoPers Apgar five minuts
NavlesnorspH NeoPers Umbilical cord pH value
Navlesnors_std_base_Exc NeoPers Umbilical cord std base Exc
Ventilation NeoPers Ventilation method
Hjertemassage_adrenalin NeoPers was Heart massage or adrenalin applied
Mest_neg_base_excess NeoPers Highest neg base excess
Min_passende_FiO2 NeoPers Min FiO2
Max_passende_FiO2 NeoPers Max FiO2
Hospital NeoPers Birth Hospital
Fodselslaengde NeoPers Birthlength in millimeters
Hovedomfang NeoPers Head measurment in millimeters
Dopram_anvendt NeoPers Dopram used
Dopram_paabegyndt_dage NeoPers days Dopram was used