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Årstal ? (2021 - 2021)

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Antal søgeresultater 1

Aflevering 50177
Skabt af: ROCKWOOL Fonden, Peter Fallesen.

Sustained low levels of fertility will have substantial implications for the cost of the welfare state. As the past decade has seen substantial period fertility decline in Denmark, to produce new and current knowledge on fertility intentions and barriers among Danish men and women of childbearing age is paramount. This research and infrastructure project will collect and provide first analysis of Danish data as part of the present new round of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS2020). GGS2020 is part of the international Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) and has become one of the most important social science infrastructures for population research. The GGP will launch a new round of data collection on fertility and family dynamics in a large number of European and non-European countries in 2020. The here proposed project represents the only Danish effort for participation in the GGP/GGS2020. By participating in this international data infrastructure, it is possible to obtain new knowledge on key fertility and partnership developments in Denmark not available through administrative data alone, as well as building a strong foundation to carry out internationally comparative projects on family and generational relationships. The project and generated new data will provide insight on the dynamics of the population foundation of both the Danish welfare state as well as the other European and non-European countries.