Søgning » Teamshare » AddressBookEntry


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A contact person, organisation or any other address book entry available within TeamShare. Convers both internal and external contacts/users/customers/organizations.

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Navn Indhold
Active Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted.
Address The address of the contact (streetname, number)
AddressBookEntryDescription Optional description and/or comments for the contact
AddressBookEntryID The ID of the Contact this is related to. FK to HH.AddressBookEntry
AddressBookEntryTypeID Unique ID of the type of contact
AddressBookID The ID of the AddressBook this contact belongs to FK to HH.AddressBookEntry.
AlternateEMail Optional alternate email address for the contact
AlternateFax Optional alternate fax number
AlternatePhone Optional alternate phone
ArchiveID The Id of the Archive this subject tree belongs to
ChangedBy The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
City Name of the city in the postal address for the contact
CompanyName Name of the company the contact works for
Contry Country (misspelled)
CountyNr (Danish: Kommunenr.)
Createdby The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
DepartmentName Name of the department the contact belongs to
DirectPhone Direct phone number to the contact
Email Email address
Fax Faxnumber to the contact
FirstName The first/given name of the contact
FolderID Not in use
HiddenCaseID The ID of the case storing documents and other "case" type data for this object. FK to HH.Cases.
IdNumber Legal identifier (Danish: CPR/CVR)
Initials Initials of the contact
LandRegister (Danish:Ejerlaug)
LastName Last name of the contact
Latitude Geo location for the contact
Longitude Geo location for the contact
MobilePhone The contacts mnobilephone
Name Display name for the contact
Pager Contacts pager number
Phone Phonenumber of the contact
PropertyNr (Danish: Matrikel)
SID The Security ID from Active Directory (Guid)
Title Optional title for the contact
Version The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail.
WebAddress Url to the contacts web address
ZipCode Postal code for the contact