Active |
Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted. |
ChangedBy |
The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users |
ChangedOn |
The datetime this data was last edited |
Createdby |
The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users |
CreatedOn |
The datetime this data was first created |
DataType |
The type of data this contains |
DefaultLocked |
True if metadata is locked right after creating it |
DefaultValueBin |
If metadata is Binary, use this as default value. |
DefaultValueBool |
If metadata is Boolean, use this as default value |
DefaultValueDateTime |
If metadata is DateTime, use this as default value |
DefaultValueExpression |
If metadata is an expression (xml expression), use this as default value. |
DefaultValueExpressionType |
If metadata is an expression (xml expression), use this method to translate default value. |
DefaultValueFloat |
If metadata is Floating point, use this as default value |
DefaultValueInt |
If metadata is Integrer, use this as default value |
DefaultValueText |
If metadata is Text, use this as default value |
InputHint |
Optional message to show to user when entering a value for this metadata |
InputMask |
Optional RegEx mask to verify input from users |
IsAssociative |
True if the metadata is described in xml format (lists, special types) |
IsSystem |
Data is for system use only |
ListChildSelector |
If metadata is a heirachial list, this is the xml key for the child elements |
ListExpression |
If metadata is list, this contains xml data with the possible values |
ListExpressionType |
The type of list data |
ListIsHierarchical |
Itrue if the data of the list is heirachial |
ListKeySelector |
The key name in the list xml data |
ListRootSelector |
The root name in the list xml data |
ListValueSelector |
The value name in the list xml data |
MetadataDescription |
Optional description for a metadata |
MetadataID |
The ID of the custom metadata field. FK to HH.Metadata. |
MetadataName |
Logical name for a metadata |
Required |
True if the metadata is required |
Version |
The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail. |