DModId |
The unique id of a Data Module, Document or Publication Module. Different versions of a DM have different DModId. |
SystemId |
The unique internal id of a system. I.e. CSDB or Model. |
ObjectRef |
Unique Reference Number for an Object in CO. 2147483647 is maximum value for ObjectRef. |
Data/Publication Module Code - composite of all DMC/PMC fields |
TechName |
Technical name of DM as in techname tag, or PM title as in PMTitle tag |
InfoName |
Information name of DM as in infoname tag |
IssNo |
Internal issue number - equal to external when DM is On CSDB |
InworkIssNo |
Inwork issue number |
ExtIssNo |
External issue number |
IssType |
Issue type - legal values: new: Initial issue of the approved release of a DM - shall always be \"001\". deleted: Special case of update - marked as deleted. changed: DM changed and changes are indicated with change elements. revised: DM that have been totaly revised. status: DM with status information updated. rinstate-status: Reinstated, previous deleted DM with only status changed. rinstate-changed: Reinstated, changes indicated by change elements. rinstate-revised: Reinstated, changes not indicated by change elements. |
NCAGE of responsible partner company - to edit the author has to belong to this organisation. |
OrigOrgNCAGE |
NCAGE of originator organisation |
PMIssuer |
Identification of issuing authority - NCAGE recommended |
SecurityClass |
Class attribute of the security tag |
IssDay |
Issue day from SGML file |
IssMonth |
Issue month from SGML file |
IssYear |
Issue year from SGML file |
QAStatus |
QA status in QA tag - Legal values: FIRSTVER,SECVER,UNVERIF |
DMT1Id |
Unique id for a DMType1 definition |
DMT2Id |
Unique id for a DMType2 definition |
WFState |
Internal workflow state |
InfoCode |
The information code e.g. "520" |
PRevSeq |
Sequence of parallell revision within an issue of a DM. |
FreezeTime |
Timestamp for freeze of this DM and its information rules for publishing |
ADMLanguage |
Value is expanded from a two letter alphabetic code for representing the name of languages (ISO 639: 2 letter codes). |
Country |
Value is expanded from a two letter alphabetic code for representing the name of countries (ISO 3166-1993). |
Structured |
Structured or unstructured document. |