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This table contains metadata about data modules in CSDBs.

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DModId The unique id of a Data Module, Document or Publication Module. Different versions of a DM have different DModId.
SystemId The unique internal id of a system. I.e. CSDB or Model.
ObjectRef Unique Reference Number for an Object in CO. 2147483647 is maximum value for ObjectRef.
DMC Data/Publication Module Code - composite of all DMC/PMC fields
TechName Technical name of DM as in techname tag, or PM title as in PMTitle tag
InfoName Information name of DM as in infoname tag
IssNo Internal issue number - equal to external when DM is On CSDB
InworkIssNo Inwork issue number
ExtIssNo External issue number
IssType Issue type - legal values: new: Initial issue of the approved release of a DM - shall always be \"001\". deleted: Special case of update - marked as deleted. changed: DM changed and changes are indicated with change elements. revised: DM that have been totaly revised. status: DM with status information updated. rinstate-status: Reinstated, previous deleted DM with only status changed. rinstate-changed: Reinstated, changes indicated by change elements. rinstate-revised: Reinstated, changes not indicated by change elements.
RPCOrgNCAGE NCAGE of responsible partner company - to edit the author has to belong to this organisation.
OrigOrgNCAGE NCAGE of originator organisation
PMIssuer Identification of issuing authority - NCAGE recommended
SecurityClass Class attribute of the security tag
IssDay Issue day from SGML file
IssMonth Issue month from SGML file
IssYear Issue year from SGML file
QAStatus QA status in QA tag - Legal values: FIRSTVER,SECVER,UNVERIF
DMT1Id Unique id for a DMType1 definition
DMT2Id Unique id for a DMType2 definition
WFState Internal workflow state
InfoCode The information code e.g. "520"
PRevSeq Sequence of parallell revision within an issue of a DM.
FreezeTime Timestamp for freeze of this DM and its information rules for publishing
ADMLanguage Value is expanded from a two letter alphabetic code for representing the name of languages (ISO 639: 2 letter codes).
Country Value is expanded from a two letter alphabetic code for representing the name of countries (ISO 3166-1993).
Structured Structured or unstructured document.