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The table stores information about the files an object consists of.

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FileId Unique id for a file.
ObjectRef Unique Reference Number for an Object.
FileType Tells the format of the file to guide packing/un-packing: ### Graphic notation declarations ### ADI :- S1000D AutoCAD Device Independent Encoding BMP :- S1000D Microsoft Bitmap Graphics Format Encoding CGM :- USA-DOD Computer Graphics Metafile DXF :- USA-DOD DXF Encoding FAX :- USA-DOD CCITT Group 4 Facsimile FPX :- S1000D Flash PiX Encoding GIF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format GKS :- S1000D Graphics Kernel System Encoding JPG :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Joint Photographic Experts Group Raster MNG :- S1000D Multiple Network Graphics Encoding PBM :- S1000D Jeff Poskanzer, Portable Bit Map Encoding PCX :+ ISBN 0-7923-94.2-1::Graphic Notation ZSoft PCX bitmap PICT :- S1000D Macintosh Drawing Format Encoding PNG :- W3C Portable Network Graphics RAS :- S1000D SUN Raster Format Encoding SVG :- TEI W3C Scalable Vector Graphics Format TGA :- S1000D Truevision File Format Encoding TIF/TIFF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Aldus/Microsoft Tagged Interchange File Format WMF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Microsoft Windows Metafile ### Audio notation declarations ### AIF :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding AIFC :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding AU :- W3O Sun Audio CDA :- S1000D CD Audio Encoding \ CDDA :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding KAR :- S1000D MIDI Encoding M3U :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding M3URL :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding MID :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding MIDI :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding MP3 :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding PLS :- S1000D Audio Playlist Encoding RMI :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding SMF :- S1000D MIDI Encoding SND :- S1000D Sun Audio Encoding SWA :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding ULW :- S1000D ULaW Encoding WAV :- Microsoft Microsoft RIFF chunk for Waveform Data WMA :- S1000D Windows Media Audio Encoding ### 3D notation declarations ### DS-3DXML :- S1000D DASSAULT SYSTEMS 3DXML Encoding ASM :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding CATDRAWING :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CATPART :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CATPRODUCT :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CGR :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CT :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding DCR :- S1000D X-DIRECTOR 3D Models Encoding DRW :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding DWF :- S1000D VND 3D Models Encoding ED :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding EDZ :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding FRM :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding IGES :- USA-DOD (ASME/ANSI Y14.26M-1987) Initial Graphics Exchange Specification MODEL :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding PRT :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding RH :- S1000D RightHemisphere 3D Models Encoding SLDASM :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding SLDDRW :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding SLDPRT :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding STEP :- S1000D STEP AP203 3D Models Encoding SWF :- S1000D X-SHOCKWAVE-FLASH 3D Models Encoding U3D :- ECMA Universal 3D Models Encoding UGS :- S1000D JT 3D Models Encoding W3D :- S1000D Web3D 3D Models Encoding WRL :- S1000D VRML 3D Models Encoding X3D :- S1000D X3D 3D Models Encoding XV0 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XV2 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XV3 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XVL :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding ### Video notation declarations ### ASF :- S1000D Video X-MS-ASF Encoding ASR :- S1000D Windows media Encoding ASX :- S1000D Windows media Encoding AVI :- Microsoft Microsoft RIFF chunk for Audio/Visual Interleaved Data DIF :- S1000D Digital Video Encoding DV :- S1000D Digital Video Encoding FLA :- S1000D Macromedia Flash encoding FLI :- Autodesk Autodesk Animator FLIC Format FLI FLV :- S1000D Video X-FLV Encoding MHEG :- S1000D Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group encoding MLV :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MOV :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding MP2 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MP2V :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MP4 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPE :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPEG-1 :ISO/IEC 11172 Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPEG-2 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPG :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPG4 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding QT :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding QTR :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding QTX :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding RA :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RAM :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RGB :- S1000D Video RGB Encoding RM :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RMJ :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RTS :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding RTSP :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding SDP :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding SMI :- S1000D SMI Video Encoding SML :- S1000D SML Video Encoding VFW :- S1000D VFW Video Encoding WM :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMP :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMV :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMX :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding ### Miscellaneous notation declarations ### DOC :- S1000D Microsoft Word encoding MDB :- S1000D Microsoft Access encoding MPP :- S1000D Microsoft Project encoding PDF :- Adobe Inc. Portable Document Format PPS :- S1000D Microsoft Powerpoint encoding PPT :- S1000D Microsoft Powerpoint encoding SMIL :- S1000D Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language encoding XLS :- S1000D Microsoft Excel encoding AT: Auto Trol format. AT_DC: AutoTrol composite file. AT_DG: AutoTrol Vector file. AT_DX: AutoTrol Raster file. BPD: Binary Publication Definition. CAL: CALS format. CG4: Vector in CGM 4. CFG: std config file. DCL: SGML Declaration file. DTD: Document Type Definition. DWG: DWG format. EAT: E-mail attachment. ENT: Entity files EPS: Encapsulated PostScript. HTML: HTML file IF: Internal serialised format LAY: Layout Description. PDS: Publication Definition Support File. PSD: Adobe PhotoShop. SDR: SmartDraw drawing SGML: SGML file TCD: TCL config file. UDF: Interleaf files VSD: Visio drawing XML: XML file XSL: XSLT file ZIP: Zipped files UD: Undefined format - not to be handled
OrgFileName Original filename.
COFPath File path (e.g. /root/file/tiff). Note that the path includes the filename itself. If the file is not stored in a subfolder then the path will only consist of the filename.
ModifyTime The Modify Time for this row.
IsMain Tells whether or not this is the main file. A data module only has one main file. The main file can be supported by other files (non main files). Legal values: Yes: Main file. No: Not main file.
DocumentId The id given to the folder in the export delivery which contains this file. The id is determined by the sequence in which all files are processed during the export
lagringsform Tilfoejet manuelt i efterbehandlingen efter krav fra SA, findes ikke i systemet.Se BEK 1007 fig 6.5. Vaerdien vil altid vaere 1, da det er et elektronisk (laes papirloest) dokumenthaandteringssystem. Egentlig fil-format findes i C3.