FileId |
Unique id for a file. |
ObjectRef |
Unique Reference Number for an Object. |
FileType |
Tells the format of the file to guide packing/un-packing: ### Graphic notation declarations ### ADI :- S1000D AutoCAD Device Independent Encoding BMP :- S1000D Microsoft Bitmap Graphics Format Encoding CGM :- USA-DOD Computer Graphics Metafile DXF :- USA-DOD DXF Encoding FAX :- USA-DOD CCITT Group 4 Facsimile FPX :- S1000D Flash PiX Encoding GIF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format GKS :- S1000D Graphics Kernel System Encoding JPG :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Joint Photographic Experts Group Raster MNG :- S1000D Multiple Network Graphics Encoding PBM :- S1000D Jeff Poskanzer, Portable Bit Map Encoding PCX :+ ISBN 0-7923-94.2-1::Graphic Notation ZSoft PCX bitmap PICT :- S1000D Macintosh Drawing Format Encoding PNG :- W3C Portable Network Graphics RAS :- S1000D SUN Raster Format Encoding SVG :- TEI W3C Scalable Vector Graphics Format TGA :- S1000D Truevision File Format Encoding TIF/TIFF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Aldus/Microsoft Tagged Interchange File Format WMF :+ ISBN 0-7923-9432-1::Graphic Notation Microsoft Windows Metafile ### Audio notation declarations ### AIF :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding AIFC :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding AU :- W3O Sun Audio CDA :- S1000D CD Audio Encoding \ CDDA :- S1000D Audio AIFF Format sound Encoding KAR :- S1000D MIDI Encoding M3U :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding M3URL :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding MID :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding MIDI :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding MP3 :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding PLS :- S1000D Audio Playlist Encoding RMI :- S1000D Audio MIDI Encoding SMF :- S1000D MIDI Encoding SND :- S1000D Sun Audio Encoding SWA :- S1000D MP3 format sound Encoding ULW :- S1000D ULaW Encoding WAV :- Microsoft Microsoft RIFF chunk for Waveform Data WMA :- S1000D Windows Media Audio Encoding ### 3D notation declarations ### DS-3DXML :- S1000D DASSAULT SYSTEMS 3DXML Encoding ASM :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding CATDRAWING :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CATPART :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CATPRODUCT :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CGR :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding CT :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding DCR :- S1000D X-DIRECTOR 3D Models Encoding DRW :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding DWF :- S1000D VND 3D Models Encoding ED :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding EDZ :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding FRM :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding IGES :- USA-DOD (ASME/ANSI Y14.26M-1987) Initial Graphics Exchange Specification MODEL :- S1000D Catia 3D Models Encoding PRT :- S1000D Pro Engineer 3D Models Encoding RH :- S1000D RightHemisphere 3D Models Encoding SLDASM :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding SLDDRW :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding SLDPRT :- S1000D SolidWorks 3D Models Encoding STEP :- S1000D STEP AP203 3D Models Encoding SWF :- S1000D X-SHOCKWAVE-FLASH 3D Models Encoding U3D :- ECMA Universal 3D Models Encoding UGS :- S1000D JT 3D Models Encoding W3D :- S1000D Web3D 3D Models Encoding WRL :- S1000D VRML 3D Models Encoding X3D :- S1000D X3D 3D Models Encoding XV0 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XV2 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XV3 :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding XVL :- S1000D Lattice 3D Models Encoding ### Video notation declarations ### ASF :- S1000D Video X-MS-ASF Encoding ASR :- S1000D Windows media Encoding ASX :- S1000D Windows media Encoding AVI :- Microsoft Microsoft RIFF chunk for Audio/Visual Interleaved Data DIF :- S1000D Digital Video Encoding DV :- S1000D Digital Video Encoding FLA :- S1000D Macromedia Flash encoding FLI :- Autodesk Autodesk Animator FLIC Format FLI FLV :- S1000D Video X-FLV Encoding MHEG :- S1000D Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group encoding MLV :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MOV :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding MP2 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MP2V :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MP4 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPE :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPEG-1 :ISO/IEC 11172 Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPEG-2 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPG :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding MPG4 :- S1000D Motion Picture Experts Group video encoding QT :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding QTR :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding QTX :- S1000D Video/quicktime Encoding RA :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RAM :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RGB :- S1000D Video RGB Encoding RM :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RMJ :- S1000D Real Audio-Video Encoding RTS :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding RTSP :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding SDP :- S1000D Streaming Movie Encoding SMI :- S1000D SMI Video Encoding SML :- S1000D SML Video Encoding VFW :- S1000D VFW Video Encoding WM :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMP :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMV :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding WMX :- S1000D Windows Media audio/video Encoding ### Miscellaneous notation declarations ### DOC :- S1000D Microsoft Word encoding MDB :- S1000D Microsoft Access encoding MPP :- S1000D Microsoft Project encoding PDF :- Adobe Inc. Portable Document Format PPS :- S1000D Microsoft Powerpoint encoding PPT :- S1000D Microsoft Powerpoint encoding SMIL :- S1000D Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language encoding XLS :- S1000D Microsoft Excel encoding AT: Auto Trol format. AT_DC: AutoTrol composite file. AT_DG: AutoTrol Vector file. AT_DX: AutoTrol Raster file. BPD: Binary Publication Definition. CAL: CALS format. CG4: Vector in CGM 4. CFG: std config file. DCL: SGML Declaration file. DTD: Document Type Definition. DWG: DWG format. EAT: E-mail attachment. ENT: Entity files EPS: Encapsulated PostScript. HTML: HTML file IF: Internal serialised format LAY: Layout Description. PDS: Publication Definition Support File. PSD: Adobe PhotoShop. SDR: SmartDraw drawing SGML: SGML file TCD: TCL config file. UDF: Interleaf files VSD: Visio drawing XML: XML file XSL: XSLT file ZIP: Zipped files UD: Undefined format - not to be handled |
OrgFileName |
Original filename. |
COFPath |
File path (e.g. /root/file/tiff). Note that the path includes the filename itself. If the file is not stored in a subfolder then the path will only consist of the filename. |
ModifyTime |
The Modify Time for this row. |
IsMain |
Tells whether or not this is the main file. A data module only has one main file. The main file can be supported by other files (non main files). Legal values: Yes: Main file. No: Not main file. |
DocumentId |
The id given to the folder in the export delivery which contains this file. The id is determined by the sequence in which all files are processed during the export |
lagringsform |
Tilfoejet manuelt i efterbehandlingen efter krav fra SA, findes ikke i systemet.Se BEK 1007 fig 6.5. Vaerdien vil altid vaere 1, da det er et elektronisk (laes papirloest) dokumenthaandteringssystem. Egentlig fil-format findes i C3. |