

Beskrivelse ?

Contains a case, which equals a folder from the file store. A case is stored in an Archive. Each case has a type, a subject, a unique ID and the name of the file share it was stored in. All documents are stored in cases.

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Navn Indhold
ArchiveName Logical name of an archive
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
Description Optional description of the record
DueDate The date this object is marked as due. Passing this due date triggers and event sending a notification to the user
ID Unique database ID of the case.
LatestActivityOn The date/time there were last any activity on the object (even on related data)
Number Unique case number (Journalnummer)
Status Optional status of the document
Subject The original file server location for the folder this case represents
Title Optional title for the contact
Type The type of case. For Cabi this will alwyas be 'Sag'