

Beskrivelse ?

The definition of a single document. A document has a title, a type and a unique number. A documents always belongs to a case.

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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
CaseId The ID of the case this data belongs to
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
Description Optional description of the document
Direction Optional identification if the document was recived, sent or internal
DueDate The date this object is marked as due. Passing this due date triggers an event sending a notification to the user
Extension The filename extension of the document
FullPath The full path of the document with case name and folder path
ID Unique ID of the document
Lagringsform Defines if the document is stored digitally (value = 1), on paper (value = 2) or not applicable (value = 3). For Cabi therese are all 1
LatestActivityOn The date/time there were last any activity on the object (even on related data)
RecievedDate The date the document was recived/sent
Status Optional status of the document
TiffId The ID/number of the document as found in the Documents folder (the tiff/mp3/mpg file)
Title The title/filename
Type The logical type of document, e.g. Word document, Excel document and so on