Id |
Auto generated unique id for classicification |
Code |
Code identifying the classification. |
Name |
Text representation of classification |
DateFrom |
Date and time from when classification is valid |
DateChange |
Date and time when classification was last changed |
DateTo |
Date and time untill when classification is valid |
SKSType |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
GroupA |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
GroupB |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
GroupC |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
GroupD |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
GroupE |
Ej relevant / Benyttes ikke |
AgeFrom |
alder fra |
AgeTo |
alder op til |
ValidD |
Er valideret? |
Inclusion |
Er inkluderet? |
NeedMore |
Mere information nødvendig? |
Origin |
Link toDatabase Table ClassificationOrigin |