Id |
The id uniquely identifies one patient |
DateCreated |
The date and time on which the patient was created |
DateUpdated |
The date and time on which the patient was last updated |
DateDeleted |
The date and time on which the patient was logically deleted |
CreatedBy |
Refers to the user that created the patient |
UpdatedBy |
Refers to the user that was the last one to update the patient |
DeletedBy |
Refers to the user that logically deleted the patient |
uniqueidentifier |
NationalityCode |
Refers to an organizational unit in the OrgUnit table that corresponds to a country. |
CPRnr |
Unique id for the patient (central person register id). Can be expanded to hold other types of identifiers. |
BirthDate |
The patients birth date |
DeathDate |
The patients death date |
Sex |
The patients sex. Refers to the SexType table. |
PreferredName |
The patients preferred name |
FirstName |
The patients first name |
LastName |
The patients last name |
Title |
The patients title |
Notes |
Notes about the patient |
ProtectedAddress |
Whether the patients address is protected |
Location |
The location part of the patients address. |
Road |
The road part of the patients address. |
HouseNum |
The house number part of the patients address. |
ZipNum |
For holding numeric zip codes. ZipCode text can be found in lookup table ZipCodeNumeric if it exists. If this is not the case the ZipText table is used for holding the zipcode text. |
ZipString |
For holding non numeric zip codes. ZipCode text can be stored in lookup table or in ZipText column. |
ZipText |
If no lookup table exists for finding text for ZipNum or ZipString, ZipText can be used for holding this text. |
Country |
The full name of the patients country of origin |
CountryCode |
A code referring to a row in the OrgUnit table holding the patients country of origin |
TemporaryRoad |
The road part of the patients temporary address |
TemporaryHouseNum |
The house number part of the patients temporary address |
TemporaryZipNum |
The numeric zip code part of the patients temporary address |
TemporaryZipString |
The non numeric zip code part of the patients temporary address |
TemporaryZipText |
The zip code text part of the patients temporary address |
TemporaryCountry |
The patients temporary country of origin |
TemporaryCountryCode |
Refers to row in OrgUnit holding the patients temporary country of origin |
ProtectedContactInfo |
Whether the patients contatct info is protected |
PhonePrivate |
The patients private phone number |
PhoneJob |
The patients work phone number |
MobilePrivate |
The patients private mobile phone number |
MobileJob |
The patients work mobile phone number |
FaxPrivate |
The patients private fax number |
FaxJob |
The patients work fax number |
EmailPrivate |
The patients private email address |
EmailJob |
The patients work email address |
ConsentDate |
The date the patient gave consent that data about the patient can be used. |
Password |
The patients password |
PasswordEncrypted |
The patients encrypted password |
PasswordChangeAtLogon |
Whether the patient should change the password at next logon |
PasswordChangedDate |
Date for last password change |
OrgUnit_TYPE |
Part of patient address. Refers (together with OrgUnit_CODE) to a row in the OrgUnit table |
OrgUnit_CODE |
Part of patient address. Refers (together with OrgUnit_TYPE) to a row in the OrgUnit table |
OrgUnit2_TYPE |
OrgUnit2_CODE |
TemporaryOrgUnit_TYPE |
Part of patient temporary address. Refers (together with TemporaryOrgUnit_Code) to a row in the OrgUnit table |
TemporaryOrgUnit_CODE |
Part of patient temporary address. Refers (together with TemporaryOrgUnit_Code) to a row in the OrgUnit table |
MaritalStatus |
The patients marital status |
CoverageGroup |
The patients coverage group |
GPReferenceNumber |
The patients general practitioner reference number |
GPName |
The patients general practitioner name |
GPPhone |
The phone number of the patients general practitioner |
GPRoad |
The road part of the patients general practitioner address |
GPHouseNum |
The house number part of the patients general practitioner address |
GPZipNum |
The numeric zip code part of the patients general practitioner address |
idx |
Idxof the patient |