V1 |
V2 |
V3 |
Bus Number. |
V4 |
Document Number. |
V5 |
Sequence Number. |
V6 |
Respondent Identification. |
V7 |
Weight Variable. |
V8 |
8: Area. |
V9 |
12A: Sex. |
V10 |
12B: Age. |
V11 |
12C: Marital Status. |
V12 |
13: Respondents Occupational Status: |
V13 |
14A: Education: |
V14 |
14B: Respondents Gross Income: |
V15 |
15: Total Family Income (Gross) |
V16 |
16: Occupation of Head of Household: |
V17 |
17A: Total Number of Persons in Household: |
V18 |
17B: Accomodation: |
V19 |
18A: Number of Children under 15 Years of Age: |
V20 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V21 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V22 |
18B: Age of Children: |
V23 |
19A: Number of Adults in Household (15 Years or more): |
V24 |
19B: Respondents Status in Household: |
V25 |
19C: Status of Housewife: |
V26 |
22-23: For which party would you vote, if a general election was to be held to-morrow? |
V27 |
52: Thinking now of all persons belonging to this household, that is all persons living here in the home and also their children whether or not they are living at home - how many apprentices, schoolchildren or students aged 15 or more are there? And how many live in the home and how many live out side the home? Apprentices, living at home |
V28 |
52: Thinking now of all persons belonging to this household, that is all persons living here in the home and also their children whether or not they are living at home - how many apprentices, schoolchildren or students aged 15 or more are there? And how many live in the home and how many live out side the home? Apprentices, living outside the home |
V29 |
52: Thinking now of all persons belonging to this household, that is all persons living here in the home and also their children whether or not they are living at home - how many apprentices, schoolchildren or students aged 15 or more are there? And how many live in the home and how many live out side the home? Schoolchildren or students, living at home |
V30 |
52: Thinking now of all persons belonging to this household, that is all persons living here in the home and also their children whether or not they are living at home - how many apprentices, schoolchildren or students aged 15 or more are there? And how many live in the home and how many live out side the home? Schoolchildren or students, living outside the home |
V31 |
53A: Have you heard or read about what is known as the drive of the Danish Foremens Association? |
V32 |
53B: Do you favour, or do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? |
V33 |
54: Why do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Not their busines/LOs concern/undemocratic/ self-constituted/dictatorial |
V34 |
54: Why do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Breaks up with the Trade Union Movement/Makes trouble/ impedes objective discussions. |
V35 |
54: Why do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Communist drive/too much to the left/extremists. |
V36 |
54: Why do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Other answers. |
V37 |
54: Why do you oppose the drive activities of the Danish Foremens Association? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Dont know an answer. |
V38 |
55A: To all employed outside the home - if not go to question 55B (V39). Are you a member of a trade union under the LO (the Danish T.U.C.)? |
V39 |
55B: Suppose there was a referendum about a Danish entry into the EEC to-day. In that case, would you vote for or against a Danish entry? |
V40 |
56: For what reason/reasons are you against a Danish membership of the EEC? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Denmarks economy has deteriorated/inflationary trend. |
V41 |
56: For what reason/reasons are you against a Danish membership of the EEC? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Lost our independence/the big countries pay no heed to the small ones. |
V42 |
56: For what reason/reasons are you against a Danish membership of the EEC? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Promises have not been fulfilles/too much was promised. |
V43 |
56: For what reason/reasons are you against a Danish membership of the EEC? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Other answers. |
V44 |
56: For what reason/reasons are you against a Danish membership of the EEC? (Answers are noted by interviewer) Dont know an answer. |
V45 |
57A: Suppose that Great Britain will withdraw from the EEC, - under those circumstances, - are you for or against a Danish membership? |
V46 |
57B: Did you vote for or against a Danish entry into the EEC at the referendum, October 1972? |
V47 |
58A: In Denmark, speed-limit regulations have now been introduced, i.e., on motor roads, on highways, in towns, and in urban areas. What is the speed limit on motor roads, do you know? (For your information: one British mile equals 1,609 kilometres). |
V48 |
58B: What is the speed limit on highways, do you know? |
V49 |
58C: What is the speed limits in towns and in urban areas, do you know? |
V50 |
59A: If one meets with locally imposed speed limits, e.g. in small towns or elsewhere, - should one respect the general national speed-limit regulations, or, should one respect the locally imposed speed limit? |
V51 |
59B: Does this apply, both when the local speed limit is higher and when it is lower as compared with general national speed limits? |
V52 |
60A: May I have your opinion of the present general speed limits - are they too high, are they adequate, or, are they too low. First let us consider a limit of 110 kilometres on motor roads. Do you think this is too high, is it adequate, or is it too low? |
V53 |
60B: Then on to the speed limit of 90 kilometres on highways. Do you think it is too high, is it adequate, or, is it too low? |
V54 |
60C: Finally, what do you think of a limit of 60 kilometres in towns and urban areas? |
V55 |
61A: Do you believe that the lately imposed general speed limits have served to reduce the total number of accidents, or, have they been of no influence? |
V56 |
61B: Are you under the impression that the total number of accidents has been very much reduced, somewhat reduced, or, has it been little reduced as a result of the lately imposed general speed limits? |
V57 |
61C: Have you got a driving license? |
V58 |
62: Do you drive a car every day or almost every day, do you drive a car often, now and then, or rarely? |
V59 |
63: About how many kilometres do you usually go by car yearly? |
V60 |
64A: Are you personally, or, is anybody else in your household a member of the FDM - The Motoring Club of Denmark? |
V61 |
64B: Is the traffic handled more easily, is there no change, or is it more difficult to handle the traffic now when we have got general speed limits? |
V62 |
65: In what way? Speed-limit regulations cause traffic jams. |
V63 |
65: In what way? Hamper overtaking. |
V64 |
65: In what way? Limits are not respected. |
V65 |
65: In what way? Traffic too slow. |
V66 |
65: In what way? Other answers. |
V67 |
65: In what way? Dont know an answer. |
V68 |
66A: And now an entirely different question. If, for some reason or other, a person not belonging to the present Danish Royal family should come to the Danish Throne, would you then prefer Denmark to become a republic? |
V69 |
66B: Would you rather that Denmark became a republic now? |
V70 |
67A: If the royal Family were to choose their own mode of life - which would they choose do you think: To live as Royal people or, as commoners? |
V71 |
67B: No matter which system of government you prefer - our present system or the republic - do you think that Prince Henrik is of very considerable use, of considerable use, of some use, or of little use to the country? |
V72 |
67C: In your opinion how should the Royal children be brought up, - like ordinary children as far as possible, or should they as far as possible be brought up like prospective kings and queens? |
V73 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Alt for Damerne |
V74 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Billed Bladet |
V75 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Dansk Familieblad |
V76 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Expres |
V77 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Familie Journalen |
V78 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Femina |
V79 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Hendes Verden |
V80 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Hjemmet |
V81 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Rapport |
V82 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Se og Hør |
V83 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Søndags B.T. |
V84 |
68: Which of these weekly magazines are bought regularly in this household, regardless of who buys them? By regularly is meant every issue or nearly every issue. (Show card 25) Ude og Hjemme |
Løbenummer |
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