

Beskrivelse ?


Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
V3 Bus number.
V4 Document number.
V5 Sequence number.
V6 Respondent identification.
V7 Weight-variable.
V8 5: Sex.
V9 6A: Age.
V10 6B: Marital status.
V11 7A: Occupational status for head of family.
V12 7B: Occupational status for housewife.
V13 8A: Income of head of family.
V14 8B: Total family income.
V15 9A: Social Group.
V16 9B: Supporters age.
V17 10A: Composition of household. Husband.
V18 10A: Composition of household. Housewife.
V19 10A: Composition of household. Children 0 - 7 years.
V20 10A: Composition of household. Children 8 - 14 years.
V21 10A: Composition of household. Adults 15 - 17 years.
V22 10A: Composition of household. Other adults.
V23 10B: Size of household.
V24 11A: Urbanization I.
V25 11B: Urbanization II.
V26 12: Political party
V27 14: Type of home
V28 18: Few months ago the civilian defence distributed a pamphlet If the war comes with information as to protection in case of war and especially protection against radioactivity. Have you read this pamphlet ? (If yes) - Have you read it once or more ?
V29 19: (If read the pamphlet) - Has the reading changed your view of the possibility to survive an attack with nuclear weapons, provided the guidance is followed ?
V30 20: (If yes) - Do you mean the possibility of survival will be less, greater or much greater ?
V31 21: (If read the pamphlet) - Have you discussed the pamphlet with somebody outside your household ?
V32 22: ALL RESPONDENTS - Have your household done some reserve purchase ?
V33 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Answer No.
V34 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Canned goods.
V35 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Bisquit.
V36 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Rice.
V37 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Raisins.
V38 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Candles.
V39 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Crisp bread.
V40 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Potatoes.
V41 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Chocolate.
V42 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Fruit.
V43 23: (If yes) - Do you know what the reserve purchase comprises. (If yes) - What ? Others.
V44 24: (If no) - Do your household contemplate to do some reserve purchases ?
V45 25: ALL RESPONDENTS: Have your household initiated to build or adapt a shelter ?
V46 26: (If no) - Are you working in the household with the planning of a shelter ?
V47 27: (If no) - Do your household consider to build or adapt a shelter ?
V48 28: (If no) - Have your household considered the question ?
V49 29: (If yes) - Will the household because of the pamphlet information build or adapt a shelter ?
V50 30: Are you waiting for additional information or a new pamphlet ?
V51 31: ALL RESPONDENTS: Have you heard or read about criticism directed to the pamphlet ?
V52 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Answer No.
V53 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? The air supply.
V54 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Toilet instalations.
V55 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? The rooms in the shelter.
V56 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Too expensive.
V57 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Startling.
V58 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Nothing about children, babies.
V59 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Nothing about animals.
V60 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Advertised for special firms and articles.
V61 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Insufficient instructions.
V62 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Everything futile.
V63 32: Can you remember what has been critizised ? (If yes) - What ? Other answers.
V64 33: (If yes) - Do you agree in the criticism ?
V65 34: (Only respondents living in the metropolitan areas) Would your household have family, friends or others outside the metropolitan area by whom you could live in case of evacuation ?
V66 35: ALL RESPONDENTS: Would you be able to transport yourself in case of evacuation ?
V67 36: If a world war should break out between east and west, whom do you think then will bear the blame for it, east or west ?
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