GroupID |
Organisation ID number |
IGType |
Interest group type (Interarena) |
Name |
What is the name of your organisation? |
Founded |
In what year was your organisation founded? |
AffectPup |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – Public opinion |
AffectMedia |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – The media agenda |
AffectAgenda |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – The political agenda |
AffectLeg |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – Legislation or parliamentary decisions |
AffectAdm |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – Administrative orders or circulars |
AffectMin |
Does your organisation seek to affect the following areas? – Decisions by government ministries |
Income |
What was your organisation's approximate income last year? |
MemFee |
What share of income came from membership fees? (Approx- percentage) |
GovnFund |
What share of income came from government sources? (Approx- percentage) |
Staff |
How many staff does the group employ at the central/headquarters level? (Please convert to full-time equivalent positions) |
StaffPol |
How many of these are involved in political work? This includes contact with civil servants, politicians or journalists; generating analyses or research for policy advocacy; or monitoring the political process. (Please convert to full-time equivalent positions) |
MemInd |
How many members does your organisation have? – Number of individuals |
MemFirms |
How many members does your organisation have? – Number of firms |
MemInst |
How many members does your organisation have? – Number of institutions (e.g. schools and museums |
MemOther |
How many members does your organisation have? – Number of other type of members |
NoMem |
How many members does your organisation have? – Our group does not have members (Tick and go to Question 7 |
MemJoin |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - The maximum number of possible members have joined our organisation |
MemRep |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our organisation is the sole representative of certain interests |
MemVar |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our number of members varies from year to year |
MemComp |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Other organisations compete for the same Members |
MemPart |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our members participate actively in our organisation's political work |
MemInfl |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our members have influence on our organisation's political work |
MemMeet |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our organisation holds meetings where our members can influence the group's policy |
MemElec |
To what extent do the following statements apply to your oganisation? - Our organisation holds contested elections at the central level for honorary office (e.g. board or chairman) |
PolLab |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Labour market policy |
PolUrb |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Urban and housing policy |
PolRes |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Research, technology and communications policy |
PolDef |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Defence and security policy |
PolInd |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Industrial and consumer policy |
PolEU |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - EU policy |
PolRef |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Refugee and immigrant policy |
PolRel |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Religious policy |
PolLoc |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Local government and regional policy |
PolCul |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Culture and sports policy |
PolAgr |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Agriculture, fishery and food policy |
PolEnv |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Environment and energy policy |
PolMon |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Monetary, fiscal and tax policy |
PolLaw |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Law and order/justice policy |
PolSoc |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Social affairs and families policy |
PolHea |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Health policy |
PolTraff |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Traffic and infrastructure policy |
PolEdu |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Education policy |
PolFor |
How active is your organisation in the following policy areas? - Foreign affairs (excluding EU) |
ActCiv |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Civil disobedience and illegal activities |
ImpCiv |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Civil disobedience and illegal activities |
ActDem |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Legal demonstrations, public events, etc. |
ImpDem |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Legal demonstrations, public events, etc. |
ActMem |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Encourage members and others to contact decision makers |
ImpMem |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Encourage members and others to contact decision makers |
ActPet |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Arrange petitions |
ImpPet |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Arrange petitions |
ActDeb |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Arrange debate meetings and conferences |
ImpDeb |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Arrange debate meetings and conferences |
ActAds |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Place ads in newspapers (or similar media) |
ImpAds |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Place ads in newspapers (or similar media) |
ActEdi |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Write letters to the editor |
ImpEdi |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Write letters to the editor |
ActPress |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Issue press releases and hold press conferences |
ImpPress |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Issue press releases and hold press conferences |
ActJour |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact journalists |
ImpJour |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact journalists |
ActAna |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Publish analyses and studies |
ImpAna |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Publish analyses and studies |
ActParl |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact parliamentary committees |
ImpParl |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact parliamentary committees |
ActSpokes |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact political parties' spokespersons |
ImpSpokes |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact political parties' spokespersons |
ActMP |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact other MPs |
ImpMP |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact other MPs |
ActParty |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact party organisations |
ImpParty |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact party organisations |
ActMin |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact ministers |
ImpMin |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact ministers |
ActPub |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact public servants |
ImpPub |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact public servants |
ActCons |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Respond to consultations |
ImpCons |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Respond to consultations |
ActBoards |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Use membership of boards, councils or committees |
ImpBoards |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Use membership of boards, councils or committees |
ActEU |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Contact EU institutions |
ImpEU |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Contact EU institutions |
ActLegal |
How often within the past year has your organisation performed these activities? - Take legal action (e.g. lawsuits) |
ImpLegal |
How important are these activities to your organisation? - Take legal action (e.g. lawsuits) |
ContParl |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – Parliamentary committees |
ContMP |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – Individual MPs |
ContDep |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – Ministerial departments |
ContAgen |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – Government agencies |
ContEU |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – EU institutions |
ContMedia |
How often does your organisation have contacts with the following? – Media and journalists |
InitParl |
Who initiates the contact? - Parliamentary committees |
InitMP |
Who initiates the contact? - Individual MPs |
InitDep |
Who initiates the contact? - Ministerial departments |
InitAgen |
Who initiates the contact? - Government agencies |
InitEU |
Who initiates the contact? - EU institutions |
InitMedia |
Who initiates the contact? - Media and journalists |
ImporParl |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - Parliamentary committees |
ImporMP |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - Individual MPs |
ImporDep |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - Ministerial departments |
ImporAgen |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - Government agencies |
ImporEU |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - EU institutions |
ImporMedia |
How important are contacts with the following for your organisation? - Media and journalists |
PrivCons |
How often do the following happen to your organisation? - Our organisation receives draft legislation, draft orders etc. for comment |
PrivBoards |
How often do the following happen to your organisation? - Our organisation is represented in public councils, boards, committees etc. |
PrivMemb |
How often do the following happen to your organisation? - Our organisation is consulted when members of public boards, councils, committees etc. are chosen |
PrivContact |
How often do the following happen to your organisation? - Our organisation is contacted by public servants |
InflPubOp |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Changes in public opinion |
InflMedia |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - The media have taken up an issue |
InflIG |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Other interest groups have taken up an issue |
InflPubSer |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Public servants have taken up an issue |
InflEU |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - EU institutions have taken up an issue |
InflPol |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Politicians and parties have taken up an issue |
InflGovProp |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - The government has launched proposals in parliament |
InflPartProp |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Other parties have launched proposals in parliament |
InflMinChange |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - A legislative proposal was changed by the ministry |
InflParlChange |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - A legislative proposal was changed in parliament |
InflQues |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Questions to the minister asked in parliament |
InflOrders |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Changes to orders or circulars |
InflDec |
Finally, we would like you to indicate how often within the last year your organisation's work has led to various outcomes. Please indicate how often your organisation's work was significant in the following ways. - Changes to decisions in government ministries |
Løbenummer |
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