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Coding of the media appearances of interest groups in Denmark, Spain and the UK. July 1 2009 to June 30th 2010 for Denmark. July 1 2010 to June 30th 2011 for Spain and the UK. Coding is done for every other period of two weeks. Front pages are coded for all days. Interest group appearance in a news story. Clearly not politically relevant articles are excluded.

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Navn Indhold
ArticleID Five digits Coder ID plus consecutive ID Number for each coder
Country Country
NewsPaper Newspaper
ArticlePosition Position of article in the paper
PageNumber The page number in the section
Title The title of the article
PolicyArea Policy area of article
NumberofGroups Number of groups in article. Maximum of six groups pr. article
GroupName Name of group
GroupID Unique group ID for groups in each country
IDDenmark Unique group ID for Danish groups
Appear How does the group appear?
PositivNegativ Is the mentioning of the group positive or negative?
Mobilization Does the article mention mobilization activities of the group? (Strikes, demonstrations, happenings, petitions)
Løbenummer Ikke betydningsbærende unikt løbenummer skabt under aflevering til arkiv