Søgning » Vandstandssystemet » VEJRDATA_ID


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Meteorological data measurement stations

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Navn Indhold
IDENT Measuring station identification number (key to observations)
NAVN Station name. Typically as geographical place name.
BESKR Optional description / comment
EAST East coordinate for the stations position in UTM/EFTS89 Zone 32N (North)
NORTH North coordinate for the stations position in UTM/EFTS89 Zone 32N (North)
AMT Intended for indicating in what danish county the station was placed, but never used
EJER Originator/Station Owner (Agency responsible for data collection)
VINDHASTIGHED Indicates whether the station measures wind speed or not (Maales=yes, Maales ikke= no)
VINDRETNING Indicates whether the station measures wind direction or not (Maales=yes, Maales ikke= no)
LUFTTRYK Indicates whether the station measures atmospheric pressure or not (Maales=yes, Maales ikke= no)
TEMPERATUR Indicates whether the station measures air temperature or not (Maales=yes, Maales ikke= no)
VINDSTOD Indicates whether the station measures wind gusts or not (Maales=yes, Maales ikke= no)