Søgning » Vandstandssystemet » VS_VAR_MA


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Sea Level observations

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Navn Indhold
IDENT Measuring station identification number (key to the observations geographical location)
DATO Observation date-time timestamp in UTC+1
VANDSTAND Measured/observed sea level in centimeters (cm) without decimals, with DVR90 as vertical datum (zero level)
NULSTILL Only used for stations with float gauge (flyder), and in relation to QC and QA. Corrected (unwanted) offset value in centimeters (cm) when the datum switch resets/corrects the float level reading. Otherwise null/blank. For not yet calibrated/verified observations (KONTROL=N), it indicates that previus/intermediate observations since last float level reset might have an error in VANDSTAND value with magnitude of the NULSTILL value.
KONTROL Indicates whether the observation is corrected or verified after manually/physical calibration of the measurement equipment (QA), or not. (Kvalitetssikret=QA, Ikke kvalitetssikret=No QA)
OMR Indicates if the observation was measured with DNN as vertical date and subsequently (in 2002) converted to DVR90 as vertical datum (o=converted, null/blank=measured with DVR90)
SOURCE_IDENT Indicates from which other station with the same geographical location, or nearby, the data value optionally has been copied, if this stations actual observation is missing. Otherwise null/blank. If used it's typically data from secondary station (pressure gauge/tryk) copied to primary station (float gauge/flyder) in the same well/location, but never the other way around.