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Content coding of Danish Members of parliament communication on Facebook, 2016-2017

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ID_post ID for each post in data
ID_Politician ID for politician based on name
i1_polname Name of politician
i2_page Name of facebook page
i3_datetime Date and time of the post
i4_measurement Date and time for measurement
i5_type Story or post
i6_activity Description of activity
i7_message Text that will be coded
i8_reactions Number of reactions
i9_comments Number of comments
i10_followers Number of followers
i10_followers_atpost Number of followers at the time of the update
a1_partymp Party of the member of parliament
a2a_spokesperson 1) Position as spokespersons
a2b_spokesperson 2) Position as spokespersons
a2c_spokesperson 3) Position as spokespersons
a2d_spokesperson 4) Position as spokespersons
a2e_spokesperson 5) Position as spokespersons
a2f_spokesperson 6) Position as spokespersons
a2g_spokesperson 7) Position as spokespersons
a2h_spokesperson 8) Position as spokespersons
a2i_spokesperson 9) Position as spokespersons
a2j_spokesperson 10) Position as spokespersons
b1_mentionparty Does the post mention the members of parliament party by name
b2_mentionpl Mention the party leader of the members of parliament party
b3_mentionomp Mention another member of parliament of the members of parliament party
b4_sharedpm Share a massage from the party/party leader of the member of parliament
b5_mpdistance Distance the member of parliament from party
b6_mentionoparty Mention another party or representatives of other parties
b7_mentionopartypn Mentioning of the other party more positive or negative
b8_mentionogov Mention government or its ministers
b9_mentiongovpn Mentioning of government more positive or negative
b10_mentionopp Mention opposition as a unit
b11_mentionopppn Mention the opposition more positive or negative
c1_polmes Includes all messages with a political substance
c2_issue Political issues
d1_constituency Mention the constituency or areas within the constituency of member of parliament
e1_personal Relate to event in personal life
e2_nonpol Relate to non-political news/issues
e4_personalrel Mention persons who stand in personal relations to the member of parliament
e5_polact Political activities of the member of parliament
e6_nonpolact Non-political activities of the member of parliament
textid_field Text that will be coded
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