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Scarcity Strategies for Product Launch - Influencing Observational Learning

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Experimental data from the project "Information Design Through Scarcity and Social Learning", testing predictions from the theoretical framework of Parakhonyak and Vikander (2023) about the inference people make upon observing sellouts.

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ParticipantCode_main Identifier for the participant, setting with no prior sales information
Unrestricted_first Yes if the experiment followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first". No if the experiment followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first".
RedBall_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 3, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls for sale, setting with no prior sales information
GreenBall_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 3, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls for sale, setting with no prior sales information
RedBall_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, with four balls for sale, setting with no prior sales information
GreenBall_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, with one ball for sale, setting with no prior sales information
RedBall_Capacity1 Part 3, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, with one ball for sale, setting with no prior sales information
GreenBall_Capacity1 Part 3, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 3 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, with one ball for sale, setting with no prior sales information
Questionnaire_main Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": answer to Question 1
IncorrectAttempts_Comprehension_main Comprehension Test, immediately before Part 1 of "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first": number of incorrect attempts before correctly answering all questions
ParticipantCode_MainSales "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": identifier for the participant, setting with prior sales information
Unrestricted_first_sales Yes if the experiment followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first". No if the experiment followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first".
RedBall_Sales0_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
RedBall_Sales1_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
RedBall_Sales2_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
RedBall_Sales3_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
RedBall_Sales4_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
RedBall_Sales5_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 5
RedBall_Sales6_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 6
RedBall_Sales7_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 7
RedBall_Sales8_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 8
RedBall_Sales9_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 9
RedBall_Sales10_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 10
GreenBall_Sales0_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
GreenBall_Sales1_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
GreenBall_Sales2_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
GreenBall_Sales3_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
GreenBall_Sales4_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
GreenBall_Sales5_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 5
GreenBall_Sales6_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 6
GreenBall_Sales7_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 7
GreenBall_Sales8_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 8
GreenBall_Sales9_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 9
GreenBall_Sales10_Unrestricted Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 10
RedBall_Sales0_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
RedBall_Sales1_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
RedBall_Sales2_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
RedBall_Sales3_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
RedBall_Sales4_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
GreenBall_Sales0_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
GreenBall_Sales1_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
GreenBall_Sales2_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
GreenBall_Sales3_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
GreenBall_Sales4_Capacity4 Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
Questionnaire_1 Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": answer to Question 1
Questionnaire_2 Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": answer to Question 2
Questionnaire_3 Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": answer to Question 3
Questionnaire_4 Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": answer to Question 4
IncorrectAttempts_Comprehension Comprehension Test, immediately before Part 1 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first": number of incorrect attempts before correctly answering all questions
TimeToComplete "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": the time participants took to complete the experiment, setting with prior sales information, high stakes
ParticipantCode_high "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": identifier for the participant, setting with prior sales information, high stakes
Unrestricted_first_high Yes if the experiment followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes". No if the participant followed the procedure described in "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes".
RedBall_Sales0_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
RedBall_Sales1_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
RedBall_Sales2_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
RedBall_Sales3_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
RedBall_Sales4_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
RedBall_Sales5_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 5
RedBall_Sales6_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 6
RedBall_Sales7_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 7
RedBall_Sales8_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 8
RedBall_Sales9_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 9
RedBall_Sales10_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 10
GreenBall_Sales0_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
GreenBall_Sales1_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
GreenBall_Sales2_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
GreenBall_Sales3_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
GreenBall_Sales4_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
GreenBall_Sales5_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 5
GreenBall_Sales6_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 6
GreenBall_Sales7_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 7
GreenBall_Sales8_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 8
GreenBall_Sales9_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 9
GreenBall_Sales10_Unrestricted_high Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, unlimitted number of balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 10
RedBall_Sales0_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
RedBall_Sales1_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
RedBall_Sales2_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
RedBall_Sales3_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
RedBall_Sales4_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a red ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
GreenBall_Sales0_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 0
GreenBall_Sales1_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 1
GreenBall_Sales2_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 2
GreenBall_Sales3_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 3
GreenBall_Sales4_Capacity4_high Part 2, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes"; or Part 1, Stage 4 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": purchase decision having drawn a green ball, 4 balls earlier for sale, prior sales of 4
Questionnaire_1_high Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": answer to Question 1
Questionnaire_2_high Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": answer to Question 2
Questionnaire_3_high Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": answer to Question 3
Questionnaire_4_high Questionnaire immediately before the end of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": answer to Question 4
IncorrectAttempts_Comprehension_high Comprehension Test, immediately before Part 1 of "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes" and "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes": number of incorrect attempts before correctly answering all questions
ParticipantCode_payment "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first" : identifier for the participant, used for payment
Payment_Amount_DKK "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – no prior sales information, limited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first" : amount paid out to the participant in Danish kroner.
ParticipantCode_payment_high "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes" : identifier for the participant, used for payment
Payment_Amount_DKK_high "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, unlimited number of balls first, high stakes", "Experimental Protocol – prior sales information, limited number of balls first, high stakes" : amount paid out to the participant in Danish kroner.
ParticipantCode_Full Identifier for participants in all settings
Gender Gender of the participant
Age Age of the participant
Nationality Nationality of the participant
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