Søgning » Den danske 10. runde af the European Social Survey (2020)
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Den danske 10. runde af the European Social Survey (2020) (2021-2022)

Alias: The European Social Survey in Denmark, round 10 (2020/2021) , ESS-R10 (DK)

Formål ?

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically led study about the social attitudes, beliefs and behavioral patterns in the general population. Established in 2001, ESS has swiftly become the authoritative source of reliable data on the evolving social fabric in more than 30 European countries.

Indhold ?

Data are saved in different format including versions for R, SAS, SPSS, and Stata.

Dokumentation ?
  • Rigsarkivets afleveringsbestemmelse
  • The Danish 10th round of the European Social Survey. Technical report
  • ESS10_self_completion_data_protocol_e01_3
  • Papirspørgeskema_u_svarkode (1 december)
  • ESS10 Parer Questinnaire_English template_v1pdf
  • ESSDK10SC_List of variables.csv
  • 01_Korrespondance mellem arkivskaber og Rigsarkivets Testværksted
  • ASTA Test Log
  • ASTA konverteringslog
  • ASTA konverteringsrapport
  • ADA Log
Emneord ?

Der er ingen emneord.

Dækker perioden ?

Fra 16-10-2021 til 12-04-2022.

ID-oplysninger i data ?
  • Regionnummer