name |
Title of dataset |
essround |
ESS round |
edition |
Edition |
proddate |
Production date |
idno |
Respondent's identification number |
cntry |
Country |
dweight |
Design weight |
pspwght |
Post-stratification weight including design weight |
pweight |
Population size weight (must be combined with dweight or pspwght) |
anweight |
Analysis weight |
prob |
Sampling probability |
stratum |
Sampling stratum |
psu |
Primary sampling unit |
panpriph |
More important for governments to prioritise public health or economic activity |
panmonpb |
More important for governments to monitor and track the public or to maintain pu |
panfolru |
More important to follow government rules or to make own decisions when fighting |
panclobo |
How important for country to close its borders when fighting a pandemic |
panresmo |
How important to restrict people's movement between different parts of country w |
nwspol |
News about politics and current affairs, watching, reading or listening, in minu |
netusoft |
Internet use, how often |
netustm |
Internet use, how much time on typical day, in minutes |
ppltrst |
Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful |
pplfair |
Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair |
pplhlp |
Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves |
polintr |
How interested in politics |
psppsgva |
Political system allows people to have a say in what government does |
actrolga |
Able to take active role in political group |
psppipla |
Political system allows people to have influence on politics |
cptppola |
Confident in own ability to participate in politics |
trstprl |
Trust in country's parliament |
trstlgl |
Trust in the legal system |
trstplc |
Trust in the police |
trstplt |
Trust in politicians |
trstprt |
Trust in political parties |
trstep |
Trust in the European Parliament |
trstun |
Trust in the United Nations |
trstsci |
Trust in scientists |
vote |
Voted last national election |
prtvtedk |
Party voted for in last national election, Denmark |
contplt |
Contacted politician or government official last 12 months |
donprty |
Donated to or participated in political party or pressure group last 12 months |
badge |
Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months |
sgnptit |
Signed petition last 12 months |
pbldmna |
Taken part in public demonstration last 12 months |
bctprd |
Boycotted certain products last 12 months |
pstplonl |
Posted or shared anything about politics online last 12 months |
volunfp |
Volunteered for not-for-profit or charitable organisation |
clsprty |
Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties |
prtcledk |
Which party feel closer to, Denmark |
prtdgcl |
How close to party |
implvdm |
How important for you to live in democratically governed country |
lrscale |
Placement on left right scale |
stflife |
How satisfied with life as a whole |
stfeco |
How satisfied with present state of economy in country |
stfgov |
How satisfied with the national government |
stfdem |
How satisfied with the way democracy works in country |
stfedu |
State of education in country nowadays |
stfhlth |
State of health services in country nowadays |
gincdif |
Government should reduce differences in income levels |
freehms |
Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish |
hmsfmlsh |
Ashamed if close family member gay or lesbian |
hmsacld |
Gay and lesbian couples right to adopt children |
euftf |
European Union: European unification go further or gone too far |
accalaw |
Acceptable for country to have a strong leader above the law |
lrnobed |
Obedience and respect for authority most important virtues children should learn |
loylead |
Country needs most loyalty towards its leaders |
imsmetn |
Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority |
imdfetn |
Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority |
impcntr |
Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe |
imbgeco |
Immigration bad or good for country's economy |
imueclt |
Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants |
imwbcnt |
Immigrants make country worse or better place to live |
happy |
How happy are you |
sclmeet |
How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues |
inprdsc |
How many people with whom you can discuss intimate and personal matters |
sclact |
Take part in social activities compared to others of same age |
crmvct |
Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years |
aesfdrk |
Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark |
health |
Subjective general health |
hlthhmp |
Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmity/mental problem |
atchctr |
How emotionally attached to [country] |
atcherp |
How emotionally attached to Europe |
scrlgblg |
Belonging to particular religion or denomination |
rlgdnm |
Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Denmark |
rlgdnme |
Religion or denomination belonging to in the past |
rlgdgr |
How religious are you |
rlgatnd |
How often attend religious services apart from special occasions |
pray |
How often pray apart from at religious services |
dscrgrp |
Member of a group discriminated against in this country |
dscrrce |
Discrimination of respondent's group: colour or race |
dscrntn |
Discrimination of respondent's group: nationality |
dscrrlg |
Discrimination of respondent's group: religion |
dscrlng |
Discrimination of respondent's group: language |
dscretn |
Discrimination of respondent's group: ethnic group |
dscrage |
Discrimination of respondent's group: age |
dscrgnd |
Discrimination of respondent's group: gender |
dscrsex |
Discrimination of respondent's group: sexuality |
dscrdsb |
Discrimination of respondent's group: disability |
dscroth |
Discrimination of respondent's group: other grounds |
dscrnap |
Discrimination of respondent's group: not applicable |
dscrna |
Discrimination of respondent's group: no answer |
ctzcntr |
Citizen of country |
brncntr |
Born in country |
cntbrthd |
Country of birth |
livecnta |
What year you first came to live in country |
lnghom1 |
Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned |
lnghom2 |
Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned |
feethngr |
Feel part of same race or ethnic group as most people in country |
facntr |
Father born in country |
fbrncntc |
Country of birth, father |
mocntr |
Mother born in country |
mbrncntc |
Country of birth, mother |
ccnthum |
Climate change caused by natural processes, human activity, or both |
ccrdprs |
To what extent feel personal responsibility to reduce climate change |
wrclmch |
How worried about climate change |
vteubcmb |
no desc |
fairelc |
National elections are free and fair |
dfprtal |
Different political parties offer clear alternatives to one another |
medcrgv |
The media are free to criticise the government |
rghmgpr |
The rights of minority groups are protected |
votedir |
Citizens have the final say on political issues by voting directly in referendum |
cttresa |
The courts treat everyone the same |
gptpelc |
Governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad job |
gvctzpv |
The government protects all citizens against poverty |
grdfinc |
The government takes measures to reduce differences in income levels |
viepol |
The views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political elite |
wpestop |
The will of the people cannot be stopped |
keydec |
Key decisions are made by national governments rather than the European Union |
fairelcc |
In country national elections are free and fair |
dfprtalc |
In country different political parties offer clear alternatives to one another |
medcrgvc |
In country the media are free to criticise the government |
rghmgprc |
In country the rights of minority groups are protected |
votedirc |
In country citizens have the final say on political issues by voting directly in |
cttresac |
In country the courts treat everyone the same |
gptpelcc |
In country governing parties are punished in elections when they have done a bad |
gvctzpvc |
In country the government protects all citizens against poverty |
grdfincc |
In country the government takes measures to reduce differences in income levels |
viepolc |
In country the views of ordinary people prevail over the views of the political |
wpestopc |
In country the will of the people cannot be stopped |
keydecc |
In country key decisions are made by national governments rather than the Europe |
scchpldm |
Best for democracy: government changes policies in response to what most people |
chpldmi |
Important for democracy: government changes policies in response to what most pe |
chpldmc |
In country government changes policies in response to what most people think |
stpldmi |
Important for democracy: government sticks to policies regardless of what most p |
stpldmc |
In country government sticks to policies regardless of what most people think |
impdema |
How important things are for democracy, order A |
hhmmb |
Number of people living regularly as member of household |
gndr |
Gender |
gndr2 |
Gender of second person in household |
gndr3 |
Gender of third person in household |
gndr4 |
Gender of fourth person in household |
gndr5 |
Gender of fifth person in household |
gndr6 |
Gender of sixth person in household |
gndr7 |
Gender of seventh person in household |
gndr8 |
Gender of eighth person in household |
gndr9 |
Gender of ninth person in household |
gndr10 |
Gender of tenth person in household |
gndr11 |
Gender of eleventh person in household |
gndr12 |
Gender of twelfth person in household |
gndr13 |
Gender of thirteenth person in household |
gndr14 |
Gender of fourteenth person in household |
gndr15 |
Gender of fifteenth person in household |
yrbrn |
Year of birth |
agea |
Age of respondent, calculated |
yrbrn2 |
Year of birth of second person in household |
yrbrn3 |
Year of birth of third person in household |
yrbrn4 |
Year of birth of fourth person in household |
yrbrn5 |
Year of birth of fifth person in household |
yrbrn6 |
Year of birth of sixth person in household |
yrbrn7 |
Year of birth of seventh person in household |
yrbrn8 |
Year of birth of eighth person in household |
yrbrn9 |
Year of birth of ninth person in household |
yrbrn10 |
Year of birth of tenth person in household |
yrbrn11 |
Year of birth of eleventh person in household |
yrbrn12 |
Year of birth of twelfth person in household |
yrbrn13 |
Year of birth of thirteenth person in household |
yrbrn14 |
Year of birth of fourteenth person in household |
yrbrn15 |
Year of birth of fifteenth person in household |
rshipa2 |
Second person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa3 |
Third person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa4 |
Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa5 |
Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa6 |
Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa7 |
Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa8 |
Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa9 |
Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa10 |
Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa11 |
Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa12 |
Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa13 |
Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa14 |
Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent |
rshipa15 |
Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent |
mnactic |
Main activity, last 7 days. All respondents. Post coded |
rshpsts |
Relationship with husband/wife/partner currently living with |
lvgptnea |
Ever lived with a partner, without being married |
dvrcdeva |
Ever been divorced/had civil union dissolved |
chldhhe |
Ever had children living in household |
domicil |
Domicile, respondent's description |
edulvlb |
Highest level of education |
eisced |
Highest level of education, ES - ISCED |
edlvdDK |
Highest level of education, [country] |
eduyrs |
Years of full-time education completed |
pdwrk |
Doing last 7 days: paid work |
edctn |
Doing last 7 days: education |
uempla |
Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job |
uempli |
Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job |
dsbld |
Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled |
rtrd |
Doing last 7 days: retired |
cmsrv |
Doing last 7 days: community or military service |
hswrk |
Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others |
dngoth |
Doing last 7 days: other |
dngna |
Doing last 7 days: no answer |
mainact |
Main activity last 7 days |
crpdwk |
Control paid work last 7 days |
pdjobev |
Ever had a paid job |
pdjobyr |
Year last in paid job |
emplrel |
Employment relation |
emplno |
Number of employees respondent has/had |
wrkctra |
Employment contract unlimited or limited duration |
estsz |
Establishment size |
jbspv |
Responsible for supervising other employees |
njbspv |
Number of people responsible for in job |
wkdcorga |
Allowed to decide how daily work is organised |
iorgact |
Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation |
scwflt |
Do/did have a set 'basic' or contracted number of hours |
wkhct |
Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded |
wkhtot |
Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included |
nacer2 |
Industry, NACE rev.2 |
tporgwk |
What type of organisation work/worked for |
isco08 |
Occupation, ISCO08 |
wrkac6m |
Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years |
uemp3m |
Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months |
uemp12m |
Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more |
uemp5yr |
Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years |
mbtru |
Member of trade union or similar organisation |
hincsrca |
Main source of household income |
hinctnta |
Household's total net income, all sources |
hincfel |
Feeling about household's income nowadays |
edulvlpb |
Partner's highest level of education |
eiscedp |
Partner's highest level of education, ES - ISCED |
edlvpddk |
Partner's highest level of education, [country] |
pdwrkp |
Partner doing last 7 days: paid work |
edctnp |
Partner doing last 7 days: education |
uemplap |
Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job |
uemplip |
Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job |
dsbldp |
Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled |
rtrdp |
Partner doing last 7 days: retired |
cmsrvp |
Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service |
hswrkp |
Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others |
dngothp |
Partner doing last 7 days: other |
dngnapp |
Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable |
dngnap |
Partner doing last 7 days: no answer |
mnactp |
Partner's main activity last 7 days |
crpdwkp |
Partner, control paid work last 7 days |
isco08p |
Occupation partner, ISCO08 |
emprelp |
Partner's employment relation |
wkhtotp |
Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner |
emprf14 |
Father's employment status when respondent 14 |
occf14b |
Father's occupation when respondent 14 |
emprm14 |
Mother's employment status when respondent 14 |
occm14b |
Mother's occupation when respondent 14 |
atncrse |
Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months |
anctry1 |
First ancestry, European Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups |
anctry2 |
Second ancestry, European Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups |
acchome |
Location able to access the internet: Home |
accwrk |
Location able to access the internet: Workplace |
accmove |
Location able to access the internet: On the move |
accoth |
Location able to access the internet: Some other place |
accnone |
Location able to access the internet: None of the above |
accna |
Location able to access the internet: No answer |
fampref |
Preference settings, how familiar |
famadvs |
Advanced search, how familiar |
fampdf |
PDF, how familiar |
mcclose |
Online/mobile communication makes people feel closer to one another |
mcinter |
Online/mobile communication makes work and personal life interrupt each other |
mccoord |
Online/mobile communication makes it easy to coordinate and manage activities |
mcpriv |
Online/mobile communication undermines personal privacy |
mcmsinf |
Online/mobile communication exposes people to misinformation |
chldo12 |
Number of children aged 12 or over |
gndro12a |
Gender of child aged 12 or over |
ageo12 |
Age of child aged 12 or over |
hhlio12 |
Child aged 12 or over lives in same household |
closeo12 |
How close to child aged 12 or over |
ttmino12 |
Travel time to child aged 12 or over, in minutes |
speako12 |
Speak with child aged 12 or over in person, how often |
scrno12 |
Speak with child aged 12 or over and see each other on a screen, how often |
phoneo12 |
Speak with child aged 12 or over using a phone, how often |
como12 |
Communicate with child aged 12 or over via text, email or messaging apps, how of |
c19spo12 |
Speak with child aged 12 or over in person, how often compared with before COVID |
c19mco12 |
Online/mobile communication with child aged 12 or over, how often compared with |
livpnt |
Parents still alive |
pntmofa |
Parents still alive, mother or father |
agepnt |
Age of parent |
hhlipnt |
Parent lives in same household |
closepnt |
How close to parent |
ttminpnt |
Travel time to parent, in minutes |
speakpnt |
Speak with parent in person, how often |
scrnpnt |
Speak with parent and see each other on a screen, how often |
phonepnt |
Speak with parent using a phone, how often |
compnt |
Communicate with parent via text, email or messaging apps, how often |
c19sppnt |
Speak with parent in person, how often compared with before COVID-19 |
c19mcpnt |
Online/mobile communication with parent, how often compared with before COVID-19 |
stfmjob |
How satisfied are you in your main job |
trdawrk |
Too tired after work to enjoy things like doing at home, how often |
jbprtfp |
Job prevents you from giving time to partner/family, how often |
pfmfdjba |
Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often |
dcsfwrka |
Current job: can decide time start/finish work |
wrkhome |
Work from home or place of choice, how often |
c19whome |
Work from home or place of choice, how often compared with before COVID-19 |
c19wplch |
Work place change occurred as a result of COVID-19 |
wrklong |
Employees expected to work overtime, how often |
wrkresp |
Employees expected to be responsive outside working hours, how often |
c19whacc |
Work from home or place of choice, how accepted compared with before COVID-19 |
scrhlm |
Respondent have a line manager |
sclmsup |
Line manager supports employees in balancing work, how much |
manhlp |
Line manager gives work-related help, how likely |
manwrkpl |
Line manager and respondent are at the same workplace, how often |
manspeak |
Speak with line manager about work in person, how often |
manscrn |
Speak with line manager about work and see each other on a screen, how often |
manphone |
Speak with line about work manager using a phone, how often |
mancom |
Communicate with line manager about work via text, email or messaging apps, how |
scrwiat |
Respondent work in a team |
sctmfeel |
Feel like part of your team, how much |
wrkextra |
Take on extra responsibilities at work without being paid more |
scrwwc |
Respondent work with colleagues |
scclprp |
Proportion of colleagues based at the same location |
colhlp |
Colleagues give work-related help, how likely |
colspeak |
Speak with colleagues in person, how often |
colscrn |
Speak with colleagues about work and see each other on a screen, how often |
colphone |
Speak with colleagues about work using a phone, how often |
colcom |
Communicate with colleagues about work via text, email or messaging apps, how of |
c19spwrk |
Speak with people you work with in person, how often compared with before COVID- |
c19mcwrk |
Online/mobile communication with people you work with, how often compared with b |
mcwrkhom |
Online/mobile communication makes it easy to work from home or place of choice |
secgrdec |
Small secret group of people responsible for making all major decisions in world |
scidecpb |
Groups of scientists manipulate, fabricate, or suppress evidence in order to dec |
gvhanc19 |
How satisfied with government's handling of COVID-19 in country |
gvjobc19 |
How satisfied with government's response to COVID-19: people who have experience |
gveldc19 |
How satisfied with government's response to COVID-19: elderly people in care hom |
gvfamc19 |
How satisfied with government's response to COVID-19: families with school-aged |
hscopc19 |
How satisfied with the way health services coped with COVID-19 and its consequen |
gvimpc19 |
To what extent trust the government to deal with the impact of COVID-19 in count |
gvconc19 |
COVID-19 is result of deliberate and concealed efforts of some government or org |
respc19 |
Respondent had COVID-19 |
reshhc19 |
Anyone living with respondent had COVID-19 |
hapljc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: was made redundant/lost job |
hapirc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: income from job was reduced |
hapwrc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: working hours were reduced |
hapfuc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: was furloughed |
hapfoc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: was forced to take unpaid leave/holiday |
hapnoc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: none of these |
hapnwc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: not in work since start of COVID-19 |
hapnpc19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: not applicable |
hapnac19 |
Things happened since start of COVID-19: no answer |
getavc19 |
Whether respondent will get vaccinated against COVID-19 with vaccine approved by |
region |
Region |
mode |
Mode of data collection |
scwsds |
Start of survey |
scwass |
First ESS survey question |
scwa5se |
After A5 (End of first part of section K/start of section A from F2F questionnai |
scwa11se |
After A11 (End of section A/start of section B from F2F questionnaire) |
scwa59se |
After A59 (End of section B/start of section C from F2F questionnaire) |
scwa89se |
After A89 (End of section C/start of section D (Democracy) from F2F questionnair |
scwb30se |
After B30 (End of section D /start of section F from F2F questionnaire) |
scwc55se |
After C55 (End of section F /start of section G from F2F questionnaire) |
scwd62se |
After D62 (End of section G/start of remaining section K from F2F questionnaire) |
scwd78se |
After D78 (End of section K/start of CRONOS-2 recruitment section) |
scwrecse |
After last CRONOS-2 |
scwtype |
Type of device used for web-based selfadministered questionnaire |
smplresp |
Sampled respondent/respondent with next/last birthday verified |
questcmp |
Date questionnaire completed by respondent |
Løbenummer |
Ikke betydningsbærende unikt løbenummer skabt under aflevering til arkiv |