Søgning » Årsager til kontaktallergi » union_Allergen


Beskrivelse ?

holds union of Allergens in all databases imported from. Identifies allergen in union_plaster_ext.

Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
Teststed clinic id
AllergenNo clinic specific allergen id [###-###[a-z]] [serienNr-allergenNr]
SerieNo serie id
Navn clinic specific name of allergen
Koncentration concentration of allergen solution
Enhed untis concentration is measured in
Vehikel solution base
Knr global identifier for allergen
Aktiv whether or not allergen is still being tested with (1=yes,0=no)
Dato date for start testing with allergen
Position ordinal position in clinic setup
cas clinic specific note of CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number(s)
inci clinic specific note of INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) number(s)
Releasere releaser for allergen (valAllergenReleasere in db's) -- should be imported to Allergen_Forskning (1=yes,0=no)
DateCreated DateTime created
DateModified DateTime modified
UserModified User who created/modified