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Reaction table for patchtests

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Navn Indhold
ID0 PersonID (must be combined with Teststed to be unique)
ID1 TestID (must be combined with PersonID and Teststed to be unique)
Teststed clinic id
ID2 PlasterID (must be combined with PersonID, TestID and Teststed to be unique)
Knr global identifier for allergen
AllergenNo clinic specific allergen id [###-###[a-z]] [serienNr-allergenNr]
SerieNo serie id
basisserie Whether or not is standardserie allergen (see valSted)
D2 Day 2 reaction reading
D3 Day 3 reaction reading
D57 Day 5 to 7 reaction reading
MaxReaktion Maximal reaction => (SELECT MAX(tmpMaxReak) FROM ( VALUES (isnull(v2.maxreak, -1)), (isnull(v3.maxreak, -1)), (isnull(v57.maxreak, -1)) ) MyAlias(tmpMaxReak))
IsPos group value for MaxReaktion (see valDValues)
ARelevans Current Relevance assertion (see valRelevans)
AisPosRel group value for Current Relevance assertion (see valRelevans)
HRelevans Historic Relevance assertion (see valRelevans)
HisPosRel group value for Historic Relevance assertion (see valRelevans)
Eksposition Count of Exposition found for Allergen