ID0 |
PersonID (must be combined with Teststed to be unique) |
ID1 |
TestID (must be combined with PersonID and Teststed to be unique) |
Teststed |
clinic id |
ID2 |
EgenmaterialerID |
MaxReaktion |
Strongest reaktion, see valDValues |
MatGruppe |
MaterialGroupID, can be clinic specifik |
MatGrpNavn |
Material group name, denormalized from valEM_Matgruppe |
Materiale |
MaterialID, can be clinic specifik |
MaterialeNavn |
Material name, denormalized from valEM_Materialer |
Producent |
ProducentID, clinic specific |
ProducentNavn |
Producent name, user input |
ProducentMatGrp |
ProducentMaterialGroupID, can be clinic specifik |
ProducentMatGrpNavn |
Material group name, denormalized from valEM_Produkter |
Produkt |
ProduktID, clinic specifik |
ProduktNavn |
Product name, user input |
ProduktProducent |
Product fabricant name, user input |
ArbejdsRel |
Opccupational related, yes/no (1=yes,0=no) |
PrivatRel |
Privat related, yes/no (1=yes,0=no) |