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Contains a case (or Project, depending on what the customers call their basic container) . A caseis stored in an Archive. Each case has a type, a subject and an owner. All documents are stored in cases. Each case can optionally have officers, parties, phases, tasks and so on.

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Active Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted.
ActiveSurrogateInstanceId not in use
ActiveWorkflowDefinitionVersionId Unique ID of the workflow
ArchiveId The ID of the Archive this is saved in. FK to HH.Archives.
CaseDescription Optional description of a case
CaseId The ID of the case this data belongs to
CaseIdentification The unique number of the case (journalization number)
CaseName The title of the case
CaseNumber Internal number, unique across all cases on this database
CaseOwnerId The ID of the user who own this case. FK to HH.Users
CaseStatusId The ID of the status this Case currently have. FK to HH.CasesStatus
CaseTypeId The ID of the type of Case this is. FK to HH.CaseTypes
CaseYearNumber Internal number, unique with this year for this database
ChangedBy The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
ClosedBy The user who closed this. FK to HH.Users
ClosedDate The date/time this was closed
Createdby The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
DocStoreServiceKey not in use
EntityID The ID of the object this data belongs to.
IsClosed This data is marked as closed (locked) by the user.
IsHidden This data is a system object, hidden for the user.
IsInSync True if the document is correctly stored in SharePoint
IsLocked This data is marked as closed (locked) by the user.
IsPrecedense Not used
IsPublic Not used
NextActionDate The due date for this object
ObjTypeID The type of object this data belongs to. See also HH.ObjType
PrecedenseComment Not used
PrimaryCaseParty The ID of the AddressBookEntry that is primary to this case. Can be null. FK to HH.AddressBookEntry
ProjectID Not used
RemoteArchiveSetID Not used
SecondaryCaseParty Not used
SubjectId The ID of the Subject. FK to HH.Subjects.
Version The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail.