Søgning » TeamShare » PhaseAssociation


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Defines objects associated with a phase. Currently Documents and Tasks can be associated to a phase, but the database allow any type to be associated.

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Navn Indhold
Active Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted.
ChangedBy The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
Createdby The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
EntityId The ID of the object this data belongs to.
EntityTypeId The type of object this data belongs to. See also HH.ObjType
PhaseAssociationId Unique (database) ID of the row
PhaseId ID of the phase
Version The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail.