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The definition of a single document. A document has a title, a type and an owner. Each document can have multiple versions (version control). Each document is stored in a Folder on a Case.

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SelfActive Not used
Active Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted.
ActiveSurrogateInstanceId not in use
ActiveWorkflowDefinitionVersionId Unique ID of the workflow
AnonymousId Not used
ChangedBy The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
CheckedInBy The user who checked in the document at last edit. FK to HH.Users.
CheckedOutBy The user who checked out the document. FK to HH.Users.
CheckedOutFileName The name of the file (URL/UNC) that the document was copied to when checked out.
CheckedOutOn The date the document was checked out for editing
Createdby The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
CurrentVersionId The ID of the current version of this document. FK to HH.DocumentVersions
DocumentAuthor The author of this document. Same value as DocumentOwner field. FK to HH.Users.
DocumentDate Recived of a letter or e-mail
DocumentDescription Optional description of a document
DocumentDirectionId Unique ID of a document direction
DocumentId The ID of the document this data belongs to.
DocumentName Name of the file, incl. Extension
DocumentOwner The author of this document. Same value as DocumentAuthor field. FK to HH.Users.
DocumentOwnerRoleDefinitionId The owner of the document, if the owner is the officer filling the specified role. FK to HH.RoleDefinitions.
DocumentOwnerUsergroupId The owner of the document, if the owner is a user group. FK to HH.Groups.
DocumentOwnerUserId The owner of the document, if the owner is a user. FK to HH.Users.
DocumentStatusID The ID of the current status of the document. FK to HH.DocumentStatus
DocumentTitle The logical title of the document
DocumentTypeId The ID of the type of document (template). FK to HH.DocumentTypes.
FileExt The file extension
FolderId The ID of the Folder this data belongs to.
IsInSync True if the document is correctly stored in SharePoint
IsLinkToExternalDocument True if the document is not stored in TeamShare but instead is just a reference to an external document (on a network drive, a URL or similar).
IsLocked This data is marked as closed (locked) by the user.
IsOffline Not used
IsPublic Not used
Lagringsform Defines if the document is stored digitally (value = 1), on paper (value = 2) or not applicable (value = 3)
LinkMaster True if the document is linked to by another document (a link is acopy of the metadata, but with the same digital document stored in SharePoint).
NextActionDate The due date for this object
ParentDocumentId If the document is an attachment, this points to the parent document. FK to HH.Documents.
PhysicalDocumentURL The location of the document. Is a SharePoint address for all stored documents, or the URL/UNC to a referenced external document.
RecievedBy Optional ID of the user who recived the document
RecievedDate The date the document was recived/sent
RecievedOn The date this document was marked as recieved
RecordNumber The documents numbe rwithin the case
RecycledBy The user who deleted this document (if RecycleStatus != 0). FK to HH.Users.
RecycledOn The date the document was deleted.
RecycleStatus The delete status of this document. 0 = Active, 1 = In case recycle bin, 2 = In system recycle bin, 3 = Permanently deleted. References status of the document in SharePoint's dele cycle.
ReferencedCaseID The ID of the case being referenced
ReferencedDocumentId The ID of the document this is a link to another document. FK to HH.Documents
ShowOnPostList Not used
TiffId The id of the document as saved to disc in the delivery
UpdataDocStoreMetaData Flag set to true, if SharePoint needs update of metadata about this document
Version The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail.
Visible not in use