Søgning » TeamShare » CaseTypeMetadataDefinition


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Definitions of additional and customer specific metadata that is available (or required) for any given CaseType. This is whjere an organization defines metadata beyond the standard fields on HH.Cases.

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Active Defines if the row contains active data. Inactive means logically deleted.
CaseTypeID The ID of the type of case. FK to HH.CaseTypes.
ChangedBy The ID of the user who last edited this data. FK to HH.Users
ChangedOn The datetime this data was last edited
ControlType Not used
Createdby The ID of the user who first created this data. FK to HH.Users
CreatedOn The datetime this data was first created
DisplayName Name as displayed in UI
EditLevel Not used
MetaDataID The ID of the metdata. FK to HH.Metadata
Multivalue True if this metadata supports multiple values
Required True if the metadata is required
Version The number of times the data was been changed. See the corresponding AUDIT table for full audit trail.