TTExternalOperatorSubContractID |
primary key |
ParentSubContractID |
the id of the parent subcontract ???? (maybe the one from which cloned???) |
TTExternalOperatorContractStatusID |
the status of the contract |
TTExternalOperatorPaymentModelID |
a link to payment model |
TTExternalOperatorBookingModelTypeID |
a link to booking model type |
TTExternalOperatorFrameContractID |
a connection to parent frame contract |
TTExternalOperatorProgramTypeID |
a link to program type |
TTCommonAMUCodeID |
a link to TTCommonAmuCode table |
SubContractIdent |
ID of the subcontract used by the user. Contains information for instance about creation year. |
SubContractName |
the name of the subcontract |
CallResponsibility |
Who is responsible for infomation on the booking AF, kommune (Myndighed) or Anden Aktør |
Description |
Description |
StartDate |
First valid date |
EndDate |
last valid date |
LastBookingDate |
the last possible date for booking |
MaximumTotalNumber |
Maximum number of persons |
MaximumPeriodNumber |
Maximum number of persones in a time periode |
MinimumTotalNumber |
Minimum number of persons |
MaximumConcurrentNumber |
the number of maximum concurently enrolled |
MinimumConcurrentNumber |
the number of minimum concurently enrolled |
ExpectedDuration |
Expected duration at AA |
MaximumPeriodUnitTypeID |
the maximal period unit type |
ExpectedDurationPeriodUnitTypeID |
expected contract duration |
TotalEconomicFrame |
financial limit |
tblUsersID |
The user who created ID. |
Comment_1_1 |
comment |
Comment_2_1 |
Se under Comment_1 |
Comment_3_1 |
Se under Comment_1 |
Comment_4_1 |
Se under Comment_1 |