TTVisitationTextID |
primary key |
TTVisitationCaseID |
foreign key |
ParentTTVisitationTextID |
parent visitation text or Null if not relevant. |
TTVisitationTextTypeID |
visitation text type |
TTVisitationRegistrationID |
a connection to visitation registration |
tblUsersID |
user who created |
BodyText |
Main text block |
Created |
Timestamp for creation og record. |
DisplayOrder |
The sort order of the text |
CorrectionText |
The reson for the correction |
Corrected |
Timestamp for the correction |
CorrectionUserID |
the user who made a correction |
CorrectionAuthorityID |
The authority that made a correction. Null if not relevant. |
TTCommonAuthorityId |
foreign key |