LocationID_SYS |
Unique key of the location |
LocationReference |
Distinct Reference for a Location. Typical format e.g. {745-00084}. A Location is a Jord-specific term used to refer to a specific area within a Region. |
LocationName |
Userfriendly Name for a Location. Typical format e.g. {Kobbersmedje i Rebild}. A Location is a Jord-specific term used to refer to a specific area within a Region. |
RegionCode |
UDGÅET: Reference to the Danish Region that the context record belongs to. Is no longer in use as Region Codes are validated in the Identity Provider, so there is no need for validation in the system itself. |
MunicipalityCode |
A reference the the Danish Municipality to which the context record belongs |
StreetCode |
All streets in Denmark have unique codes. When an address is identified in connection with the location, the code of the street is entered here. |
StreetBuildingIdentifier |
All buildings in Denmark have unique house numbers. When an address is identified in connection with the location, the number of the house is entered here. |
AddressIdentifier |
Not in use |
LocationDescriptionText |
A geographic description of the location, typically the address |
ReadyForReportingIndicator |
When set to true, the location can be reported on |
PollutionStatusCodeValue |
Pollution status of the location as decided by the context Region |
PollutionStatusCodeType |
Hardcoded to "Status for forurenede arealer" to describe value contained in column PollutionStatusCodeValue" |
CreatedDate |
Date that this record was created |
ModifiedDate |
Date that this record was last modified |
IsBornholm |
Set to True, when the location is on the island of Bornholm |
NotReadyForReportingMessages |
Not in use |