PollutionCauseID_SYS |
Unique identifier of this record |
LocationID_SYS |
Reference to the location that this record belongs to |
PollutionCauseCodeType |
Hardcoded to "Aktivitetstype" to describe the content of column PollutionCauseCodeValue |
PollutionCauseCodeValue |
Options to set for the stated CodeType; e.g. "00.00.20 - Børneinstitution", "00.00.60 - Kontor- og erhvervsejendom", "01.12.00 - Gartnerier og planteskoler" |
PollutionStartDate |
The date from which the pollution cause started |
PollutionEndDate |
The date on which the pollution cause ceased |
CreatedDate |
Date that this record was created |
ModifiedDate |
Date that this record was last modified |