Søgning » DKjord » PollutionCause


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PollutionCauseID_SYS Unique identifier of this record
LocationID_SYS Reference to the location that this record belongs to
PollutionCauseCodeType Hardcoded to "Aktivitetstype" to describe the content of column PollutionCauseCodeValue
PollutionCauseCodeValue Options to set for the stated CodeType; e.g. "00.00.20 - Børneinstitution", "00.00.60 - Kontor- og erhvervsejendom", "01.12.00 - Gartnerier og planteskoler"
PollutionStartDate The date from which the pollution cause started
PollutionEndDate The date on which the pollution cause ceased
CreatedDate Date that this record was created
ModifiedDate Date that this record was last modified