Søgning » DKjord » SYS_MunicipalityRegion


Beskrivelse ?

Indeholder kommunerne og deres regioner. Kan i koden bruges til at validere at regions- og kommunekoder hænger korrekt sammen til de steder hvor dette bruges.

Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
MunicipalityCode Integer value used for referencing the municipality
MunicipalityName Name of the municipality
RegionCode Region code that the muncipality belongs to
RegionName Name of the region that the municipality belongs to
RegionAddress Address of the region
RegionTelephone Phone of the region
RegionEmail Email of the region
RegionWeb Website of the region
RegionRemark Comment related to the region
RegionDate Date that the region joined
MunicipalityRemark Comment related to the municipality
MunicipalityAddress Address of the municipality
MunicipalityEmail Email of the municipality
MunicipalityWeb Web site of the municipality
ChangedBy Who last changed this record
ChangedDate What datetime this record was last changed