MunicipalityCode |
Integer value used for referencing the municipality |
MunicipalityName |
Name of the municipality |
RegionCode |
Region code that the muncipality belongs to |
RegionName |
Name of the region that the municipality belongs to |
RegionAddress |
Address of the region |
RegionTelephone |
Phone of the region |
RegionEmail |
Email of the region |
RegionWeb |
Website of the region |
RegionRemark |
Comment related to the region |
RegionDate |
Date that the region joined |
MunicipalityRemark |
Comment related to the municipality |
MunicipalityAddress |
Address of the municipality |
MunicipalityEmail |
Email of the municipality |
MunicipalityWeb |
Web site of the municipality |
ChangedBy |
Who last changed this record |
ChangedDate |
What datetime this record was last changed |