Søgning » DKjord » ParcelHistory


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Indeholder matriklens historik; ny tabel så derfor begrænset indhold. Denne har ikke fremmednøgler til andre objekter, da den skal kunne eksistere selvom oprindelige objekter slettes. Data i denne tabel kan blive urene over tid. Det væsentligste er at denne log findes og så vil det kunne bruges til at slå op i det system data oprindeligt er indsendt fra.

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Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
Id Unique identifier of this record
ParcelID_SYS The original unique identifier of the Parcel
CadastralDistrictIdentifier A unique value for a cadastral district (a.k.a. ejerlavskode)
LandParcelIdentifier A unique parcel value within the cadastral district (a.k.a. matrikelnummer). Matrikelnummer cannot be translated to any other value as it is a value specified by Bygnings- og Boligregisteret to identify a parcel (matrikel).
HousingStatemenetIndicator Bool setting indicating whether a building exists on the Parcel
PollutionStatusCodeType Hardcoded to "Status for forurenede arealer" which describes content of the PollutionStatusCodeValue field
PollutionStatusCodeValue The pollution status of the parcel
PollutionPartial Boolean value explaning whether pollution covers the entire Parcel or only parts of it
CreatedDate Date that this record was created
ModifiedDate Date that this record was last modified
PollutionNuanceStatus Value referring to what the pollution nuance status of the location is.
ParcelXStatusDeclarations The array of Status Declarations that the Parcel belonged to (by their unique references)
RecordAction Whether it was a delete, create or update action
RecalculationDate The date of when the responsible Region of the Parcel made the decision of the pollutionStatusCode and pollutionNuanceStatusCode which have been given to the Parcel
RegionCode Reference to the Danish Region that the context record belongs to. Validated against the [Regions] table.
MunicipalityCode A reference the the Danish Municipality to which the context record belongs.