ParcelID_SYS |
Unique identifier of this record |
CadastralDistrictIdentifier |
A unique value for a cadastral district (a.k.a. ejerlavskode) |
LandParcelIdentifier |
A unique parcel value within the cadastral district (a.k.a. matrikelnummer). Matrikelnummer cannot be translated to any other value as it is a value specified by Bygnings- og Boligregisteret to identify a parcel (matrikel). |
HousingStatemenetIndicator |
Bool setting indicating whether a building exists on the Parcel |
PollutionStatusCodeType |
Hardcoded to "Status for forurenede arealer" which describes content of the PollutionStatusCodeValue field |
PollutionStatusCodeValue |
Pollution status of the Parcel as decided by the context Region |
PollutionPartial |
Boolean value explaning whether pollution covers the entire Parcel or only parts of it |
CreatedDate |
Date that this record was created |
ModifiedDate |
Date that this record was last modified |
PollutionNuanceStatus |
Value referring to what the pollution nuance status of the location is |
RecalculationDate |
The date of when the responsible Region of the Parcel made the decision of the pollutionStatusCode and pollutionNuanceStatusCode which have been given to the Parcel |
RegionCode |
Reference to the Danish Region that the context record belongs to |
MunicipalityCode |
A reference the the Danish Municipality to which the context record belongs |