PollutantComponentID_SYS |
Unique identifier of this record |
PollutantComponentCodeType |
Hardcoded to "Forureningskomponent" to describe the context of column PollutantComponentCodeValue |
PollutantComponentCodeValue |
Options to set for the stated CodeType; e.g. "0006 - Støv", "9186 - E-coli", "9917 - PID" |
ContaminatedMediaCodeType |
Hardcoded to "Forurenet medie" to describe the context of column ContaminatedMediaCodeValue |
ContaminatedMediaCodeValue |
Options to set for the stated CodeType; e.g. "01 - Jord", "02 - Grundvand", "06 - Indeklima" |
PollutionConcentrationAmount |
The amount registered of the pollutant component record |
PollutionConcentrationUnit |
The unit used for the amount registered in the field [PollutionConcentrationAmount] |
CreatedDate |
Date that this record was created |
ModifiedDate |
Date that this record was last modified |