Søgning » Hændelsesdatabase for Luftfart » Attribute_Occurrence_category


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The occurrence categories as developped by CAST/ICAO Common Taxonomy Team (CICTT). Commercial Aviation Safety Team [CAST] and International Civil Aviation Organization" [ICAO]. "Occurrence" is defined as "accident or incident" throughout this taxonomy. Generally, accidents and incidents differ only in the degree of injury sustained by persons involved or in damage sustained to the aircraft. Each category has a unique name and identifier to permit common coding in accident/incident systems, a text definition, and usage notes to further clarify the category and aid in coding occurrences. An important element of the occurrence category design is that it permits the association of multiple categories with an occurrence. Multiple coding supports the primary focus of CICTT- accident PREVENTION, in which every pertinent element should be investigated, recorded, and analyzed. Based on version October 2013 (4.6)

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OID OID (database unique ID) - numeric datatype A single column containing a database-unique identifier. It is this identifier which is actually used to link all the records in all the tables to the same Occurrence.
PID PID (Parent Entity instance ID) This is the Entity instance ID of the Entity to which the Attribute belongs (its parent Entity). Or it is the Parent Entity (in the link relation) instance ID.
ID ID (Instance ID) This is the instance ID in this table.
A430_1 General information and classification of the occurrence, part 1
A430 General information and classification of the occurrence.
A430_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A430_1 column.
A430_Translate Translation of the code-value in A430 column.