

Beskrivelse ?

Information on the aircraft identification and description.

Størrelse (Antal rækker) ?


Indhold (Kolonner/variable) ?

Navn Indhold
OID OID (database unique ID) - numeric datatype A single column containing a database-unique identifier. It is this identifier which is actually used to link all the records in all the tables to the same Occurrence.
ID ID (Instance ID) This is the instance ID in this table.
A21 Manufacturer/model
A28 ICAO information
A29 Current traffic type
A32 Aircraft category
A35 Airworthiness cert.
A36 Impact angle
A37 Immersion suits avail
A38 Immersion suits worn
A39 Approval icing cond.
A40 Approval prec appr
A42 Approach RVR status
A43 Approach stabilized
A44 Person at controls
A47 ATS route type
A48 Recording quality
A49 Auto bank call
A50 Auto altitude call
A51 Automatic landing
A52 Availability ARFS
A55 Chute/slide ops
A56 Chute/slide inst
A57 Clearance validity
A64 Controlling agency
A71 Co-pilot altim type
A72 Co-pilot restraint system
A73 Charts available
A74 Altitude contours
A76 Terrain contours
A77 Crew call-out done
A79 Current flight rules
A80 CVR recovery
A81 Data recovery
A82 Data usefulness
A83 Descent rate
A89 ARFS effective
A91 ELB-A, ELT status
A94 Resulting state
A95 Floatation inflation
A96 Floatation installed
A97 Functioning
A99 Ext agent type
A116 FDR recovery
A117 Filed flight rules
A118 Filed traffic type
A121 Flight phase
A122 Floatation time
A123 Weather info phase
A124 Fuel source
A125 Recommended type
A126 Type used
A128 GNSS installed
A130 GPWS installed
A131 GPWS operated
A132 GPWS required
A134 GPWS warning given
A137 HUD installed
A138 HUD used
A141 Hot microphone"
A142 Icing intensity
A143 Ignition sourcet
A144 Initial location
A163 Installation
A164 Instr. land. proc.
A165 Instr. appr. operations
A166 Landing gear type
A167 Last departure point
A169 FDR location
A170 Wreckage location
A171 CVR location
A172 Landing location
A173 Locating method
A174 Maintenance docs
A178 Microburst
A179 Minima call-out made
A189 Mountain wave intens
A213 Occ. on ground
A214 Operation type
A215 Operator
A216 Operator type
A217 Pax restraint system
A219 Charts available
A228 Planned destination
A281 State of registry
A649 Pilot advised of birds
A21_T Extension to Aircraft make/model/series, text
A167_T Extension to Last departure point, text
A215_T Extension to The name of the operator, text
A228_T Extension to Planned destination, text
A21_1 Extension to Aircraft make/model/series, part 1
A21_2 Extension to Aircraft make/model/series, part 2
A21_3 Extension to Aircraft make/model/series, part 3
A21_4 Extension to Aircraft make/model/series, part 4
A28_1 Extension to Additional operational information of interest to ICAO
A29_1 Extension to Current traffic type
A32_1 Extension to Aircraft category, part 1
A32_2 Extension to Aircraft category, part 2
A32_3 Extension to Aircraft category, part 3
A32_4 Extension to Aircraft category, part 4
A35_1 Extension to Airworthiness certificate
A36_1 Extension to Impact angle
A37_1 Extension to Helicopter anti-exposure/immersion suits available
A38_1 Extension to Helicopter anti-exposure/immersion suits worn
A39_1 Extension to Aircraft approved for icing conditions
A40_1 Extension to Aircraft approved for precision approach
A42_1 Extension to Approach runway visual range status
A43_1 Extension to Approach stabilized
A44_1 Extension to Person at controls at the first event
A47_1 Extension to ATS route type
A48_1 Extension to CVR - recording quality
A49_1 Extension to Auto bank call provided
A50_1 Extension to Auto altitude call provided
A51_1 Extension to Automatic landing
A52_1 Extension to Aerodrome rescue fire service (ARFS) availability
A55_1 Extension to Chutes/slides operation
A56_1 Extension to Chutes/slides installed
A57_1 Extension to Clearance validity
A64_1 Extension to Controlling agency
A71_1 Extension to Co-pilot altimeter type
A72_1 Extension to Co-pilot restraint system
A73_1 Extension to Co-pilot charts available
A74_1 Extension to Co-pilot charts minimum altitude contours
A76_1 Extension to Co-pilot charts terrain contours
A77_1 Extension to Crew call-out done
A79_1 Extension to Current flight rules
A80_1 Extension to Cockpit voice recorder - recovery
A81_1 Extension to FDR - data recovery
A82_1 Extension to FDR - data usefulness
A83_1 Extension to Descent rate at ground impact
A89_1 Extension to Aerodrome fire fighting effectiveness
A90_1 Extension to Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS)
A91_1 Extension to Emergency Location Beacon Aircraft - Emergency Locator Transmitter [ELB-A, ELT] status
A94_1 Extension to Helicopter emergency floatation equipment effectiveness
A95_1 Extension to Helicopter emergency floatation system inflation
A96_1 Extension to Helicopter emergency floatation system installed
A97_1 Extension to Emergency lighting aircraft functioning
A99_1 Extension to Aerodrome RFS extinguishing agent type
A116_1 Extension to Flight data recorder - recovery
A117_1 Extension to Filed flight rules
A118_1 Extension to Filed traffic type
A121_1 Extension to The flight phase in which the occurrence took place
A122_1 Extension to Floatation time aircraft
A123_1 Extension to Weather information phase of flight
A124_1 Extension to Fire fuel source
A125_1 Extension to Recommended fuel type, part 1
A125_2 Extension to Recommended fuel type, part 2
A126_1 Extension to Type of fuel used, part 1
A126_2 Extension to Type of fuel used, part 2
A128_1 Extension to Global Navigation Satellite System installed
A130_1 Extension to Ground Proximity Warning System installed
A131_1 Extension to Ground Proximity Warning System operated
A132_1 Extension to Ground Proximity Warning System required
A134_1 Extension to Ground Proximity Warning System warning given
A137_1 Extension to Heads up display installed
A138_1 Extension to Heads up display used
A141_1 Extension to CVR - hot microphone installed
A142_1 Extension to Icing intensity
A143_1 Extension to Ignition source of the fire
A144_1 Extension to Initial location of the fire/smoke/fumes
A163_1 Extension to Emergency lighting installed on the aircraft
A164_1 Extension to Instrument landing procedure
A165_1 Extension to Instrument approach operations
A166_1 Extension to Landing gear type, part 1
A166_2 Extension to Landing gear type, part 2
A167_1 Extension to Last departure point, part 1
A167_2 Extension to Last departure point, part 2
A169_1 Extension to Flight data recorder - location
A170_1 Extension to Wreckage location related to aerodrome
A171_1 Extension to Cockpit voice recorder - location
A172_1 Extension to Location of the landing
A173_1 Extension to Wreckage site locating method
A174_1 Extension to Maintenance documents status
A178_1 Extension to Microburst
A179_1 Extension to Minima call-out made
A189_1 Extension to Mountain wave intensity
A213_1 Extension to Occurrence on ground
A214_1 Extension to Operation type, part 1
A214_2 Extension to Operation type, part 2
A214_3 Extension to Operation type, part 3
A215_1 Extension to The name of the operator, part 1
A215_2 Extension to The name of the operator, part 2
A215_3 Extension to The name of the operator, part 3
A216_1 Extension to Operator type (general aviation)
A217_1 Extension to Passenger restraint system
A219_1 Extension to Pilot-in-command charts available
A228_1 Extension to Planned destination, part 1
A228_2 Extension to Planned destination, part 2
A281_1 Extension to Aircraft State of registry, part 1
A281_2 Extension to Aircraft State of registry, part 2
A649_1 Extension to Pilot advised of birds
A21_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21_1 column.
A21_2_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21_2 column.
A21_3_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21_3 column.
A21_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21 column.
A21_4_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21_4 column.
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A649_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A649_1 column.
A649_Translate Translation of the code-value in A649 column.
A21_T_Translate Translation of the code-value in A21_T column.
A167_T_Translate Translation of the code-value in A167_T column.
A215_T_Translate Translation of the code-value in A215_T column.
A228_T_Translate Translation of the code-value in A228_T column.