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E5ALIASES (ATTRIBUTE VALUE ALIASES TABLE) This is a single table used to store all the Alias Values for all Attributes Values. Alias Values can be defined for any of the Attribute Values defined in the Taxonomy. This can be useful, for instance, to set Attribute Values using different Value sets from the ones defined in the Taxonomy tree itself. Of course the Alias feature can only be used with Attributes with a predefined Value List. Each Alias has an Alias Name, which identifies the type/category of a group of Alias Values. Each Alias Value defined in the Taxonomy is defined by the Alias Name to which it belongs and by the correspondence to a specific Value in the original Value List for that Attribute. This table is populated only by using a specific setting in the Repository, when setting it with the Repository Manager application (Repository > Update database alias).

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Navn Indhold
ATTRIBUTEID ID of the attribute
ALIASNAME Name of the alias
ALIASVALUE Value of the alias
ATTRIBUTEVALUE Value of the attribute