Søgning » Hændelsesdatabase for Luftfart » Entity_Reporting_history


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Reporting history

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OID OID (database unique ID) - numeric datatype A single column containing a database-unique identifier. It is this identifier which is actually used to link all the records in all the tables to the same Occurrence.
ID ID (Instance ID) This is the instance ID in this table.
A438 Report identification
A447 Reporting entity
A476 Report source
A495 Reporting form type
A800 Report status
A801 Reporting date
A1065 Risk classification
A1066 Risk methodology
A1067 Analysis / follow up
A1068 Risk assessment
A1069 Risk mitig. action
A1070 Conclusions
A1084 Report version
A1085 Other report inform.
A1086 Export control
A1091 Reporter's language
A1092 Reporter's description
A447_T Extension to The identification of the entity that provided the report, text
A495_T Extension to Reporting form type, text
A447_1 Extension to The identification of the entity that provided the report, part 1
A447_2 Extension to The identification of the entity that provided the report, part 2
A447_3 Extension to The identification of the entity that provided the report, part 3
A447_4 Extension to The identification of the entity that provided the report, part 4
A476_1 Extension to Report source, part 1
A495_1 Extension to Reporting form type, part 1
A495_2 Extension to Reporting form type, part 2
A495_3 Extension to Reporting form type, part 3
A800_1 Extension to Report status, part 1
A1086_1 Extension to Report subject to export control, part 1
A1091_1 Extension to Language of the reporter’s description of the event, part 1
A1067_P Extension to Description of occurrence analysis and follow up, part P
A1068_P Extension to Risk assessment, part P
A1069_P Extension to Risk mitigation action, part P
A1070_P Extension to Conclusions, part P
A1085_P Extension to Other report information, part P
A1092_P Extension to Reporter’s description of the event, part P
A447_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A447_1 column.
A447_2_Translate Translation of the code-value in A447_2 column.
A447_Translate Translation of the code-value in A447 column.
A447_3_Translate Translation of the code-value in A447_3 column.
A447_4_Translate Translation of the code-value in A447_4 column.
A476_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A476_1 column.
A476_Translate Translation of the code-value in A476 column.
A495_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A495_1 column.
A495_2_Translate Translation of the code-value in A495_2 column.
A495_3_Translate Translation of the code-value in A495_3 column.
A495_Translate Translation of the code-value in A495 column.
A800_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A800_1 column.
A800_Translate Translation of the code-value in A800 column.
A1086_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A1086_1 column.
A1086_Translate Translation of the code-value in A1086 column.
A1091_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A1091_1 column.
A1091_Translate Translation of the code-value in A1091 column.