

Beskrivelse ?

Runway information and description.

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Navn Indhold
OID OID (database unique ID) - numeric datatype A single column containing a database-unique identifier. It is this identifier which is actually used to link all the records in all the tables to the same Occurrence.
ID ID (Instance ID) This is the instance ID in this table.
A136 Rel direction to swell
A314 Water condition
A316 Wave height
A496 ASDA, specified on metres
A499 Runway identifier
A500 LDA, specified in metres
A501 Runway length, specified in metres
A502 Runway category
A503 Runway configuration
A506 Runway slope
A507 Stopway length, specified in metres
A508 Surface treatment
A509 Surface type
A510 TODA, specified in metres
A511 TORA, specified in metres
A512 Runway preparation
A513 Runway width, specified in metres
A799 Clearway length, specified in metres
A811 RESA length, specified in metres
A812 RESA width, specified in metres
A813 RESA surface type
A942 Runway status
A136_1 Extension to Wave height, part 1
A314_1 Extension to Water condition, part 1
A316_1 Extension to Wave height, part 1
A502_1 Extension to Runway category, part 1
A503_1 Extension to Runway configuration, part 1
A506_1 Extension to Runway slope, part 1
A508_1 Extension to Runway surface treatment, part 1
A509_1 Extension to Runway surface type, part 1
A512_1 Extension to Runway surface preparation, part 1
A813_1 Extension to RESA surface type, part 1
A942_1 Extension to Runway status, part 1
A136_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A136_1 column.
A136_Translate Translation of the code-value in A136 column.
A314_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A314_1 column.
A314_Translate Translation of the code-value in A314 column.
A316_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A316_1 column.
A316_Translate Translation of the code-value in A316 column.
A502_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A502_1 column.
A502_Translate Translation of the code-value in A502 column.
A503_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A503_1 column.
A503_Translate Translation of the code-value in A503 column.
A506_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A506_1 column.
A506_Translate Translation of the code-value in A506 column.
A508_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A508_1 column.
A508_Translate Translation of the code-value in A508 column.
A509_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A509_1 column.
A509_Translate Translation of the code-value in A509 column.
A512_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A512_1 column.
A512_Translate Translation of the code-value in A512 column.
A813_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A813_1 column.
A813_Translate Translation of the code-value in A813 column.
A942_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A942_1 column.
A942_Translate Translation of the code-value in A942 column.