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E5MAIN (MAIN TABLE) This table contains all the Occurrence objects.

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Navn Indhold
OID OID (database unique ID) - numeric datatype A single column containing a database-unique identifier. It is this identifier which is actually used to link all the records in all the tables to the same Occurrence.
OCCKEY Occurrence key
USER_ID User id
EDFDATE Eccairs system date (European Development Fund)
DOINDEX Eccairs system index
EDFLOCK Eccairs system lock (European Development Fund)
LASTDBOP Last database operation
EDF Binary index of images - not in use.
A452 The occurrence file number
A453 The identification of the type of entity that is responsible for the occurrence record.
A453_1 Last part of A453
A453_2 Full part of A453
A453_3 Unknown value/field
OCCTAXNAME Taxonomy name of the occurrence
OCCTAXVER Taxonomy version of the occurrence
IDXTAXNAME Taxonomy name of the occurrence
IDXTAXVER Taxonomy name of the taxonomy version
IDXCUSTNAME Custom Taxonomy id of the occurrence
IDXCUSTVER Custom Taxonomy version of the occurrence
A453_1_Translate Translation of the code-value in A453_1 column.
A453_2_Translate Translation of the code-value in A453_2 column.
A453_Translate Translation of the code-value in A453 column.
A453_3_Translate Translation of the code-value in A453_3 column.