Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » HIST_CONTACT


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This is the master record for contacts in the history part of the database. The history part of the database is a complete view on all contacts received by the LPR system.

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
CONTACT_IDENTIFICATION_ID Reference to the common identification for all versions of a contact
ADMISSION_TYPE_ID This attribute stores about the urgency of the patient. Maps to INDMADE attribute in the raw data format. Refers to small classification Indlæggelsesmåde.
TREATMENT_DURATION Treatment duration in days. Maps to BEHDAGE attribute in the raw data format
FREE_CHOICE_ID Signals if the patient has chosen another hospital than his local hostital (the default hospital) Only relevant for DUSAS S contacts. Refers to small classification Fritvalgspatient. Maps to attribute FRITVALG.
PRE_EXAMINATION_DATE Pre-examination date (DK: forundersøgelse). Maps to field DTOFORU
FINAL_TREATMENT_DATE Final treatment date (DK: Endelig behandling) Maps to field DTOENBH
DISCHARGE_TYPE_ID Discharge type (DK: Afslutningsmåde) Refers to small classification Afslutningsmåde. Maps to field AFSLUTMÅDE.
REFERRAL_TYPE_ID Type of referral. Refers to small classification Henvisningsmåde. Maps to field HENVISNMŘDE.
REFERRAL_UNIT_ID Used if a hospital unit produced the referral. Maps to field HENVSGH for LPR contacts. Maps to field HNSGH.HENVISSGH for DUSAS contacts.
REFERRAL_REGION_CODE The region-code value for the region that produced the referral.
REFERRAL_DATE The date, when the patient was referred (DK: henvist). Maps to attribute INDUD.HENVISDTO. This field is only relevant when DATA_SOURCE == I and L.
DISCHARGE_DATE The date, when the patient was discharged. Contains INDUD.SLUTDATO and and INDUD.UDTIME (i.e. Date and hour of discharge)
DISCHARGED_TO_UNIT_ID Used if the patient is discarged to another hospital unit. Maps to field UDSKRTILSGH.
COUNTY_ID The county (DK: Kommune), where the patient is living.For DUSAS contacts, this field is redundant to the content of the ALL_CONTACT_IDENTIFIERS table, because the county is part of the logical contact key for DUSAS.
REASON_FOR_CONTACT_ID Reason for LPR contact. Refers to small classification Kontaktårsag. Maps to field KONT…RS.
RAW_DATA_RECORD_NO The position of the contact in the raw file, if a contact is created from an uploaded raw data file. First contact has number 1, second contact has number 2 etc.
REPORTED_BY_DATA_PRODUCER_ID If this contact is an LPR contact, uploaded via ftp, the data producer is identified here.
RECEIVE_TIMESTAMP Date/time received by the LPR system.
VALIDATION_TIMESTAMP Date/time for complete validation.
VALIDATION_STATUS Validation status from the final validation (Rule engine validation). Legal values are: OK, WARN, ERROR.
ERROR_FLAG Flag indicating if any validation errors exist. = Y means that at least one error was detected and related to this part of the contact data structure. See HIST_ERROR table. = N means that this record has no errors attached.
DELETE_FLAG Flag indicating if this record was a delete message. = Y means that record was a delete message. = N means that the record contains new or changed contact data.
ACTIVE_FLAG Flag indicating if this record contains active data. = Y means that this HIST_CONTACT record contains the latest version of this contact (with this error status). = N means that the record contains data from the past.
NEEDS_TRANSFER_TO_SST Indicates that this row needs to be transfered to LPR copy