Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » HIST_EMERGENCY_LOCATION


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This table stores the details of the location where he patient was picked up on an emergency. The table maps to the 2 record types PRÆSITION and STEDF.

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
HIST_CONTACT_ID Refers to the contact that this data belongs to
PRECISION_ID Acuracy of the location data. Refers to the classification Klassifikationer vedr. ydre årsager til skade.
UTM_ZONE_ID In which zone did the accident happen. Refers to small classification UTM ZONE.
X_CORD X-coordinate of the location.
Y_CORD Y-coordinate of the location.
ERROR_FLAG Flag indicating if any validation errors exist, related to this record. = Y means that at least one error was detected and related to this part of the contact data structure. = N means that this record has no errors attached.