Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » SYS_DATA_PRODUCER


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This table stores the details of the data producers who are delivering LPR data via ftp upload. No DUSAS data are received this way.

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
NAME ftp user name for this data producer.
DESCRIPTION Free text description.
EMAILS A comma-separated list of mail adresses to use in case of severe errors, where the data producer must be notified immediately by the system.
RULE_VALIDATION Mark if data from this data producer should be tested via the rule engine. Only the pseudo data producer used in the initial load of data from the old LPR system, should be allowed to bypass rule validation.Y = do perform rule validation, this is the defaultN = bypass rule validation - handle this option value with care
FILL_BLANK_CHARS Since some Data Producers trim the length of Record line in the end if, last fields are blank, but assume thatline is 80 character long, so add white space padding in trail of each line to make theam 80 characters long.N = do not add white spaces in trails of lines, this is defaultY = add white spacs in trails to make each line 80 character long
SKIP_CHARS Number of characters should be skipped from the starting of each line in record file while reading into system.This option is used for initial load of DUSAS data, where the old data are received with some irrelevantleading characters in each line of the data files.Default value is 0.
CHARSET Character Encodeing used by dataproducers to produce raw data file, default: ISO-8859
CREATED Date and time, when this record was created.