Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » HIST_PSYCHIATRIC_INFO


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This table stores Psychiatric information of a contact. Maps to record type PSYKI (DK: Psykiatri oplysninger) in the raw data format

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
HIST_CONTACT_ID Refers to the contact, this record is a child of.
HOSPITALISED_FROM_ID Specifies where the came from, when he was hospitalized. Obsolete pr. 31.12.2000. Refers to small classification Indlagt fra. Maps ot field INDFRA.
HOSPITALISATION_TERMS_ID On what terms was the patient hospitalized (voluntarily, by force, ...) Refers to small classification Indlæggelsesvilkår. Maps ot field INDVILK.
DISCHARGED_TO_ID Where did the patient go, when he was discharged. Obsolete pr. 31.12.2000. Refers to small classification Udskrevet til. Maps ot field UDSKRTIL.
ERROR_FLAG Flag indicating if any validation errors exist, related to this record. = Y means that at least one error was detected and related to this part of the contact data structure. = N means that this record has no errors attached.