Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » LPR_HIST_OUTPATIENT_VISIT


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This table stores data of visits from outpatient

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
HIST_CONTACT_ID Refers to the contact that this data belongs to
VISIT_DATE Date of visit
PERSONAL_TYPE_1_ID Personel type, field 1
PERSONAL_TYPE_1_CODE Code for personel type
PERSONAL_TYPE_2_ID Personel type, field 2
PERSONAL_TYPE_2_CODE Code for personel type
PERSONAL_TYPE_3_ID Personel type, field 3
PERSONAL_TYPE_3_CODE Code for personel type
SERVICE_LOCATION_ID Specifies where the visit took place (At the hospital, at the patients home, ..)
SERVICE_LOCATION_CODE Code that specifies where the visit took place (At the hospital, at the patients home, ..)
PSYCHIATRIC_SERVICE_ID If this visit relates to a psychiatric service, the type of service is specified here
PSYCHIATRIC_SERVICE_CODE Code for type of service, if this visit relates to a psychiatric service, the type of service is specified here
ERROR_FLAG Flag indicating if any validation errors exist, related to this record. = 'Y' means that at least one error is detected. ='N' means that this record has no errors attached