Søgning » Landspatientregisteret » LPR_HIST_WAIT_PASSIVE


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Stores passive wait information prior to 1th January 2004

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Navn Indhold
ID Internal primary key
HIST_CONTACT_ID Refers to the contact that this data belongs to
REASON_ID Reason for passive waiting
REASON_CODE Code value for reason for passive waiting
START_DATE Date when the passive waiting period started
END_DATE Date when the passive waiting period ended
TREATMENT_REJECT_DATE Date when the patient rejected the offered treatment
HOSPITAL_UNIT_ID The unit where the patient was offered the rejected treatment
HOSPITAL_UNIT_CODE Code value for the unit where the patient was offered the rejected treatment
ERROR_FLAG Flag indicating if any validation errors exist, related to this record. = 'Y' means that at least one error is detected. ='N' means that this record has no errors attached