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D_AGREEMENT - Dimensiontable for agreements

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Navn Indhold
Agreement_ID Primary key for the table
Cosmic_ID COSMICs unique ID for the agreement
Agreement_Key COSMICs unique verisonID for the agreement
AgreementType Name for type of agreement
Status Name for the status of the agreement
Active Indicates with true/false if agreement is active
Description Given description of the agreement
Care24HourFee Given carecost
Currency Valuta (denne er altid kronor)
ContactInfo Contact information
Customer_ID Customer_ID
Actual_customer Is there an actual customer
Frozen_Price_List_Version Version of base price list
MainAgreement_ID Reference to mainagreement
Name Name of the agreement
OfferExpire Date when agreementoffer expires
Payment_Type Approved paymenttype for agreement
Discount Procentage discount for the basepricelist-price
TimeBankPrepaid Amout before time bank
TimeBankIn spent by time bank
TimeBankOut overflow by time bank
TimeBankFee Fee to time bank
NrOfEmployees Nr Of Employees
EmployeeFee Employee Fee
AgreementIncome Agreement Income
PreBillingInterval Intervall for prebilling (1, 3, 6, 12 months).
PreBillingStart Start date for pre billing
BillingPart Billing part
PreBilling indicates if agreement till be prebilled or not
ValidBegin agreement valid from
ValidEnd agreement valid to
Vendor_ID third party
Version version nr
Sysdate Date when record got loaded/updated in CI